It's a Family Affair: Recognizes National Nutrition Month With Tips to Help Families Eat Healthier

CHICAGO, March 15, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- With about one out of every three children in this country obese or overweight, it's more important than ever to focus on healthy choices and changes that families can make together. Throughout March, which is National Nutrition Month, shares stories of real families like Cindy and her children, who got healthier by cutting out junk food and exercising more.

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"We lost over 200 pounds together as a family," says Cindy in a video on Be Smart. Be Well. "After going back through and looking at pictures of where we were to where we've come, it's just absolutely amazing!"

Making changes for the betterParents don't have to do it all on their own. There are many resources available, including MyPlate by the USDA. In 2011, the USDA shed the traditional food pyramid for the new MyPlate, which illustrates the proper mix of fruit, vegetables, dairy, grains and protein you should eat to maintain a healthy diet. For example, it shows that a meal plate should be at least half filled with fruits and vegetables. Parents can use MyPlate to teach their kids what to put on their plate to make a healthy meal.

At, Cindy demonstrates how she uses MyPlate in her own kitchen for her family's meals. "The only thing that goes on the table with us is vegetables. If they've had their portion of meat, bread or potato and they're still hungry, I say, 'there's still a whole bowl of vegetables there, eat them up,'" she says.

Cindy's son, Austin, says the changes the family made were big ones, but not difficult. Once his mom explained the dangerous path their diets had put them on, Austin made it his goal to eat right and get healthy. As he shed pounds, he also gained energy and confidence

"I want to live to be like 100 and do a ton of things. I want to travel to Paris! I want to go to Italy!" he says in a video on the site.

What can I do about it? provides practical information to help families adopt healthy eating and exercise habits. Produced by the country's largest customer-owned health insurer, in collaboration with medical experts and national health organizations, features:

At the site, visitors can also register for the monthly Spotlight Newsletter and News Alerts for in-depth articles and breaking news on nutrition, childhood obesity and other important health topics.

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It's a Family Affair: Recognizes National Nutrition Month With Tips to Help Families Eat Healthier

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