Irish Sports Council Publish 2012 Anti-Doping Testing Figures – Video

Irish Sports Council Publish 2012 Anti-Doping Testing Figures
The Irish Sports Council today published their anti-doping test figures for 2012. The national programme saw 787 tests across 31 sports in 2012. This is a decrease from previous years but is due to a more targeted programme and a major increase in blood testing to 133 over the course of the year. The data showed there were eight anti-doping rule violations in 2012. Four of these violations arose from a substance found in supplements and four were related to cannabis which is a prohibited substance. Minister of State Michael Ring, commenting on the figures said The Irish anti-doping programme is very strong and I want to commend Professor Buckley and the Irish Sports Council for their continuing excellence in this area. It is an international issue and that is why I was delighted to be able to have dialogue with the senior representatives from WADA today. I have made it a priority during the EU Presidency to advance the battle against doping. Information was also published on "Whereabouts Failures". For individual sports there were 18 "Filing Failures" and 3 "Missed Tests". Three indiscretions of this kind can lead to an athlete receiving a sanction which to date has not arisen under the Irish Anti-Doping Rules. In team sports there were 12 "Unsuccessful Attempts" including 8 in the GAA. The other highlights in 2012 include significant progress in advancing the concept of an intelligence-led programme and the and the significant contribution made to improving detection of ...

By: MerrionStreetNews

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Irish Sports Council Publish 2012 Anti-Doping Testing Figures - Video

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