20 Months HRT – Abby: Overcoming inner Transphobia, Acceptance, Moving forward – Video

20 Months HRT - Abby: Overcoming inner Transphobia, Acceptance, Moving forward
Responses to questions on trans-community, the gender spectrum, and the gender binary vs. a medical issue. Question 1. Is the "Trans Community" a community? Of course any group of people who share a characteristic, may lack any other thing in common. However I hear from many Trans folk, a lot about their notion of community and who on the "Gender Spectrum" is part of the community, Answer 1 (AO): My primary communities are comprised of people in recovery from addiction and spiritual practices. I do participate in Ingersoll gender center on occasion, mostly as a show of support and to share my experiences. However, I do not identify as trans-anything. That raises the ire of some. I identify as a woman with a birth defect that is the result of chromosomes and possibly abnormalities during the first trimester of fetal development. That seems the direction of what little medical research has been done and is consistent with my experiences on HRT as well as experiencing myself as a woman. I do know some that identify as transgender, specifically as trans-woman and trans-men. I do not criticize that at all. For them, their trans experiences are central to how they identify in society. In contrast, I identify foremost as a woman in our society, albeit with a birth defect called transgenderism. For me, it has much more to do with hopes for the AMA and medical treatments than diagnosis as a psychological identity by the APA. Question 2. "Gender Spectrum" I have found TSs often ...

By: Abby O

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20 Months HRT - Abby: Overcoming inner Transphobia, Acceptance, Moving forward - Video

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