Leftists, Bill White criticize Texas Libertarian for Governor Kathie Glass for "extremist" views

"She is absolutely out there" even more uncompromising than Rick Perry

From Eric Dondero:

In June, Kathleen Glass, a Houston attorney won the Libertarian nomination for Governor. She beat 5 other candidates 3 to 1.

Already she's being compared to the insurgent rightwing candidacy of Debra Medina. And the Left and mainline Texas Democrats are aligning to criticize her.

From Phillip Martin at the Burnt Orange Report (the top Democrat website for Texas), July 5:

Kathie Glass, like Debra Medina, is an honest and sincere person. However, she is absolutely out there -- her answer on how to address mental health issues (cut taxes, lower spending, secure our borders) was one of the most incredible stick-to-talking-points-when-you-don't-know-the-answer responses I've ever seen. She is even more of a state's rights, sovreignty person than Perry. Glass declared that education is "socialism."

Meanwhile, the Houston Chronicle reported on the recent debate between Glass and former Houston Mayor Bill White.

The League of Women Voters forum before about 275 people at the Kathleen C. Cailloux Theater in Kerrville gave Democrat Bill White and Libertarian Kathie Glass, both of Houston, the opportunity to make their case against Perry...

[Glass] opposes national healthcare and believes the state should block its implementation

In the evening forum, Glass stuck to the rules by not rebutting White, but he debated her statements several times. When Glass called for repealing the state public school sales tax, White said that would eliminate 42 percent of the funding for schools. Glass wanted to limited education to basics, while White said the state needs to create an educated work force for the future.

Glass also criticized Governor Perry for not making a tax cut permanent.

Glass was critical of Perry and the new state franchise tax. She said the last Legislature exempted businesses making less than $1 million a year, but she said that exemption goes away next year. She said Perry should have made sure the cut was permanent.

“If you’re a small business and you lose money, next year you’re going to get walloped by the franchise tax,” Glass said.

Note - Kathie Glass is married to longtime Libertarian/Republican benefactor and attorney Tom Glass.

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