Illinois Union official blasts Libertarian for Gov. Lex Green for suggesting Tax Cuts

From Eric Dondero:

Lex Green is the Libertarian Party candidate for Governor of Illinois. He was just featured in the Illinois Times out of Springfield. The Times quoted a Union official for State Bureaucrats. His response to Green's belt-tightening, fiscally conservative candidacy was predictable.

One of Green's proposals is to switch the state workers to a "private sector 401k plan."

From the Illinois Times, July 8:

Anders Lindall, spokesman for the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees Local 30, the union that represents most state employees, says switching would actually cost the state more in administrative costs and would worsen underfunding of the state’s pension system by removing new contributions from the system.

“Any candidate should acknowledge the fact that they’re advocating for a more costly system,” Lindall says. “Defined contributions would drive up costs to taxpayers.”

Green also says he would not pursue a tax increase to fix the state’s finances.

“There are two things I’m adamantly opposed to: taking out loans to pay for our spending and increasing taxes, especially at this time when the taxpayer is burdened by the double effects of a recession and continued inflation,” Green says.

But Lindall counters that a recession is the worst time to cut services.

“Over the past two years, the state has cut spending by more than 10 percent, with devastating effect,” he says.

Lindall helped organize a rally in Springfield in May of Teachers and other State Bureaucrats for Tax Increases. (From: Chicagoist).

Note - Green's wife Karen is a local Republican Precinctwoman. She's also a supporter of Sarah Palin.

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