Obama deeper Under-water: Worst poll ratings ever on RCP

From Eric Dondero:

Fantastic poll number this morning for those of us on the Right (conservatives and libertarians): Obama is now under-water at Real Clear Politics. And not just barely. He's .3% under.

Real Clear Politics takes the culmulative average of all the major polls: Pew, Gallup, Fox News, CNN, Rasmussen, McClatchy, Bloomberg, ect...

Obama is currently at 46% approvals, with 46.3% disapprovals. This is the very lowest approval rating he's ever received. He came close to this only one other time, with 46.1% on April 11.

The LA Times has taken a look at the numbers and concluded that Obama's tanked with Independents, and mostly over Jobs. From the LA Times "Crucial independent voters abandoning Obama, now under 40%, lowest ever":

The worst -- from Gallup -- finds that for the first time since Obama took the oath, his support among independents, a key voter segment in his decisive 2008 coalition election win, has fallen below 40%. The new tracking finds that Obama's support among all voter segments has declined in the past year, but nowhere more than among independents.

Only 38% now support him, an 18-point drop from 52 weeks ago, when polls first began showing the nation's rapidly-growing population of independent voters peeling off, as Obama relentlessly pushed his healthcare plan and ignored polls saying jobs and the economy were uppermost on voters' minds.

Another interesting factoid: For the first time ever, every single poll cited by RCP is in the 40s, not 50s for Obama approval. Even Obama-loving Newsweek, CBS and Pew can only muster 47 and 48% approvals in their polls. All others are in the 44 and 45% range.

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