8 Science-Backed Ways to Find Happiness

Everyone's looking for that elusive happiness, but science has got it figured out.

Are you happy? Many people struggle to answer that question. Everyones ultimate goal is to be happy, and they usually search for that elusive happiness in their own way. Some dig around for gold, believing that riches will plant a permanent smile on their faces. Others collect friendships, relishing in the constant activity of a vast social network.

Whatever your method, in the end we are all yearning for that feeling of happiness, of ultimate contentment. There are of course, many ways to attain it. Happiness is a very personal matter, but there are scientifically-proven ways to make yourself and your body feel better. Do yourself some good and try them out:

1. Create something, anything

We are becoming a society of purely consumers. From the moment we open our eyes, we turn on our phones to read (and consume) what others have produced, then we go to work, listening to music that have also been penned down by others. We watch charity videos and contribute by sharing a link on our page, not thinking to do anything else. Its an easy life. Convenient, entertaining, effortless. But there are also plenty of moments of emptiness, of feeling like you havent done anything of consequence.

The science

See, the reason we sometimes feel restless is because humans thrive on achievements. A study published in 2009 showed that mastering a skill may stress us out in the moment, but eventually gets us to a happier place.

Get happy

You dont have to create anything major, or bring peace to the universe. Start small, perhaps instead of buying herbs at the supermarket, start your own herb garden. Instead of just reading blogs, pen down some of your thoughts. Learn to paint and come up with your own masterpieces. Arrange for an outing instead of always waiting on your friends. The possibilities to create are endless!

See original here:
8 Science-Backed Ways to Find Happiness

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