Light bulbs go off for science students

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Some students proved their hypotheses, others didn't.

However, all of them discussed their findings with the judges Saturday at the Fort Hays State University Regional Science and Engineering Fair.

Each project is judged by three judges who are FHSU faculty, students and community members.

Project categories are biochemistry, medicine and health, botany, chemistry, consumer science, Earth and space science, engineering and inventions, environmental science, mathematics and computer science, physics and physical science, social science and behavioral science, and zoology.

There were 68 entries this year from students in fourth through 12th grade, said Ann Noble, director of the fair.

That number is the largest to date, said Paul Adams, FHSU physics professor.

"In the younger students, it's really exciting to see their interest," Noble said. "In the high school students, it's just amazing what they can do, and what they research. They're our next leaders, and I really like to see their ideas."

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Light bulbs go off for science students

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