Step into Authenticity with Brad Yantzer – Video

Step into Authenticity with Brad Yantzer
Website: Since 1990, Brad Yantzer has developed successful approaches to attaining optimal health safely, soundly, and naturally. He has schooled himself, both formally and informally, in how and why the body moves. His extensive training includes many disciplines bodybuilding and fitness training, nutrition, chiropractic studies, functional anatomy and movement studies, biomechanics, several styles of Yoga, Ayurveda, a form of Structural Integration called Kinesis Myofascial Integration, yoga-and-dance-and-breath-based movement modalities called GYROTONIC® and GYROKINESIS®, Medical Qigong and Visionary Craniosacral Therapy and injury prevention and therapy through movement, mobilization, and nutrition. He blends all of this physically-based learning knowledge with a deep understanding of the interplay of physical, psychological and energetic forces integral to every person, and their interplay with the physical body. Get the whole series free at Step into Authenticity without Alienating the World and Being Kicked off the Planet is an interview series by Alex Iglecia where mind body, conscious living and transformational experts and teachers give you timeless wisdom and priceless action steps for you live more true to yourself today. Get the whole series free at httpFrom:Alex IgleciaViews:19 0ratingsTime:04:03More inHowto Style

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Step into Authenticity with Brad Yantzer - Video

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