At the Alexandrinsky Theatre began to unravel “Anatomy of soul” of modern Nevskog prospektao

Anatomy of soul the modern Nevsky prospect began to unravel, the artistic director of the Alexandrinsky Theatre in Petersburg, Valeriy Fokin-Director Dmitry Volkostrelov, Dmitry Egorov, Alexei Zabegin, Dmitriy Yushkov and theatre artist Simon Shepherd. Correspondent reports BakuToday, about the beginning of work on the draft Fokin told today, 30 August, and at a press conference dedicated to the start of season 257 Alexandrinsky theatre.

Nevsky-what a street became, this advertising, boutiques, folks. How far this Nevsky left healthily? -ponders Fokin. -But this is hoholivske space left. Lies and deception, encountered by the heroes, there are not changed. And in our project Gogols characters would be presented together with the moderns.

Fuller noted that this work on Nevsky, show our positions on the new programme. The concern is that the theater will celebrate a decade of 7 October new life programme and performance traditions Auditor, which, in fact, started a new interpretation of the classical repertoire.

Valeriy Fokin said that in General, the programme completed its task, we will gather scientific conference, a round table, to analyze the work and talk about how to interact with the classics. Life requires a different approach, said the Director. -Theatre must be deployed to what is happening in society, scan now on the theatrical stage actually much needed analysis, but it is quite another.

Nevsky Prospekt, timed to coincide with the opening of the new artistic programme of Alexandrinsky Theatre Creative space, scheduled for April, 2013. As was stressed at the theatre, in the play will be a strategy document, the so-called verbatim, several novels will present viewers with a collective portrait of todays Nevsky.

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At the Alexandrinsky Theatre began to unravel “Anatomy of soul” of modern Nevskog prospektao

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