Life insurers can boost operations using gamification – Business Insider Nordic

Sixty-eight percent of respondents said they would be likely to engage with incentive programs to reward a healthy lifestyle and wellness habits, if offered by their insurer, according to a new The Harris Pollsurvey conducted on behalf of SE2 and

Business Insider Intelligence

And while 43% of consumers don't own life insurance, per research from LIMRA, The Harris Poll's data shows that 43% of respondents would be much or somewhat more likely to purchase an insurance policy if the provider offered an interactive program with ongoing wellness benefits, which suggests that such initiatives could boost customer numbers, as well as engagement and loyalty.

Additionally, insurers can lower their claims payout when incentivizing users to live a healthier life.Users who make healthier choices, like walking more steps per day or improving their sleep pattern and food habits, may be less likely to file a claim with an insurer, saving insurers' operational costs like those related to processing a claim as well as money in terms of payouts. Ultimately, the costs saved from those reduced claims could offset the costs of offering the perks and rewards.

Insurers looking to incentivize healthier lifestyles should expand their incentives to cover the widest audience possible and offer varied forms of rewards:

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Life insurers can boost operations using gamification - Business Insider Nordic

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