Health Care in New York – New York Times

Photo A man in Miami in 2015 directed passers-by to an insurance company where they could sign up for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act. Credit Joe Raedle/Getty Images

To the Editor:

Re How to Repair the Health Law (Its Tricky but Not Impossible) (front page, July 30):

The basic flaw in the Affordable Care Act is that it leaves us in the hands of insurance companies. That means rising premiums and deductibles, restricted provider networks and high out-of-network charges; huge multiple administrative bureaucracies and profits; and the costs that doctors and hospitals incur for dealing with them.

We should start with a basic principle: No American should be denied health care or suffer financially trying to pay for it. What makes that tricky and forces health policy into contortions is insisting on taking care of insurance companies and their hefty costs and finances.

The one way to provide all of us with health care and financial security that is most practical and least expensive is to take insurance companies out of the picture and enact improved Medicare for all.

Washington seems a long way from doing that. But progressive states like New York can create state universal public health coverage.


The writer is chairman of the New York State Assembly Health Committee and the sponsor of the New York Health Act (A. 4738) to establish a single-payer system in New York.

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Health Care in New York - New York Times

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