Boston mayor tells ‘free speech’ group: ‘We don’t want you’ – Washington Examiner

Boston's Democrat Mayor Marty Walsh said Monday that he doesn't want a free speech rally to take place next Saturday on Boston Common that some say was organized by the same people who put together the violent rally in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend.

The group Boston Free Speech is hoping to hold a rally next weekend, but Walsh said police are investigating that group, and said he's already decided the event should be called off.

"Our police intelligence unit is doing information gathering right now to see who they are," he said. "We don't need this type of hate. So my message is clear to this group: we don't want you in Boston. We don't want you on Boston Common."

Former Hillary Clinton campaign manager Brian Fallon suggested on Twitter that the rally is being organized by Jason Kessler, who led Saturday's protest in Charlottesville. But the group rejected Fallon's claim.

"We are not in any way associated with the organizers of the Charlottesville rally. This was a lie and blatant attempt at defamation by Brian Fallon on twitter," organizers for Boston Free Speech said in a Facebook post.

A rally organizer said the rally is focused on free speech and is in no way associated with white supremacists.

"We aren't in any way associated with what happened in Virginia," a rally organizer who identified himself as Steven told New England Cable News. "We are strongly, strongly against violence in any way shape or form."

At least 1,000 people are expected to attend the free speech rally on the Boston Common Saturday as local law enforcement look to develop security plans for the event. The group held a similar rally in May with no reported incidents.

Still, in the aftermath of protests in Charlottesville, Boston officials fear the same violence that killed one and injured 19 could come to their city. Boston's mayor said he would be meeting with city officials to discuss the upcoming rally.

"We're going to be working together this whole week to send a message to everyone that's heading to Boston, those that are of the mindset of white supremacy to those who understand we're all God's children we're working together. No violence," Boston Police Superintendent William Gross told WBZ.

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Boston mayor tells 'free speech' group: 'We don't want you' - Washington Examiner

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