Coast company offers gifts to ginger sperm donors – The Sunshine Coast Daily

IT'S a truth universally acknowledged: gingers cop a lot of flack for the colour of their hair, but a Coast company is on a mission to change that.

In a show of solidarity and passion for the continuation of the red-headed blood lines, Buderim Ginger has pledged to support every ranga who donates sperm to a fertility clinic.

"It's no secret that gingers are often exposed to being teased for their hair and skin colour, experiencing prejudice since the beginning of time, Buderim Ginger group marketing manager Mark Henderson said.

"Let's use this call to action to further foster acceptance and diversity in the community, and give our copper-haired friends the celebration they deserve.

The company will donate a carton of ginger beer to every redhead who can provide proof of their sperm donation, in the form of a confirmation letter or email from a clinic, a photo of a donor holding a fertility centre pamphlet or even a selfie out the front.

Sperm donor matching service Co-ParentMatch reported only 2% of its sperm donors were redheads, but a survey by Buderim Ginger revealed 39% of people would be willing to date only a redhead in order to keep the ginger gene alive.

Another 24.5% would be willing to donate or use ginger sperm in order to support the cause.

"We've come a long way since 2011, when one of the world's largest sperm donation banks, Cryos International, was actually turning away ginger donors, Mr Henderson said.

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Coast company offers gifts to ginger sperm donors - The Sunshine Coast Daily

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