Letters: Arrest those profiting from the opioid crisis – Palm Beach Post

Regarding the opioid crisis, it seems to me that one main factor is the price gouging by the pharmaceutical firms. According to the article in The Post, Governments cost in opioid crisis raises unthinkable: Let victims die? (Friday), some of the antidotes have increased 800 percent and others doubled or tripled.

Sounds like someone is making a large profit off of this human disaster. These profiteers should be arrested along with the sober home owners.


I was astounded and disgusted by a recent letter that The Post published opining that erasing Confederacy is a form of prejudice. Actually, erasing the true history of slavery in the South is a form of ignorance. Imagine Germany defending the Nazi atrocities as a way of life.

We must not pretend that the Civil War was fought over states rights. It was fought because the moral compass of the country righted itself and we realized that we could not continue to allow the horror of slavery to continue to stain our country.

The fact that the writer of the letter does not see this is a reminder of how far we still must travel.


Lately, The Post has been running all these teary-eyed stories of undocumented immigrants facing deportation and The Post seems to support a very liberal view of enforcement of existing immigration laws. So I ask, why even have immigration laws if you wish to ignore and not enforce them?

Maybe this same procedure could apply to other laws, such as paying federal, state and local taxes. Lets also allow our borders to go unmonitored and just open our nation to all refugees who wish to come here to live.

Guess all this makes me a hard-liner on the issue of immigration, or maybe Im just a little old-fashioned and believe that if you have laws, they should be enforced and not just ignored because its politically popular in certain regions of the nation.


As a senior citizen of Florida, I am appalled at President Donald Trump getting temporary visas for foreign workers to work for him personally, at his golf courses or business interests. (Trump hopes to hire 76 foreign workers at Mar-a-Lago, Trump National, Friday)

If the president is not going to give these jobs to Americans like he promised, then at the very least he should pay these foreign individuals well above minimum wage, like they deserve.

What about the immigrants who are fully employed and have married Americans, and are raising American children in our country? The president is looking to deport these people who are contributing important work to our society. If his whole purpose in deporting these people is to favor American jobs, then why is he giving away 15,000 visas? Seventy-six of these visas were specifically for employees at his favorite local golf course.

He boasts that hell pay these individuals low wages even below minimum wage. Does he not realize that these are people who need to make a living?

What happened to his Buy American, Hire American? It looks terrible that our people have to go out and apply for unemployment and he is employing foreigners for his own golf courses. So the president is acting in his personal interests, at the expense of what he claims is best for this country.


Read more from the original source:

Letters: Arrest those profiting from the opioid crisis - Palm Beach Post

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