Title Length Color Rating The Study of Comets and Asteroids - ... Astronomers categorize comets into two groups. Short and long period comets due to the time they take to orbit the sun. Short period comets take less than two hundred years while long period comets take two hundred or more years. Astronomers doubt that short-period comets come from the Kuiper belt which is basically a band of objects close to Plutos orbit. They believe that the gravitational pull of the planets can cause an object to be dislodged into the Solar system and turn into comets.... [tags: gas, energy, sun, astronomers] 763 words (2.2 pages) Better Essays [preview] The Age Of Comets - The article summarized below is from THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC (issue Dec.97) by William R. Newcott. It tells about how comets are important and their effect on earth and its people.Comets are leftover scrubs of material that did not make it to planethood in the events creating our solar system. They orbit in a perpetual Deepfreeze until some subtle gravitational nudge upsets the delicate balance. The Great Falls begins. First a snowball drifts towards the sun and steadily accelerates. As solar radiation heats the comets the ice within sublimates, escaping as gas from vents from the surface.... [tags: essays research papers] 387 words (1.1 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Comets - Comets Have you ever looked up in the sky and seen a little ball creeping by. If so, did you wonder what it was. That little ball is called a comet. Comets are small, fragile, and irregularly shaped. Most are composed of frozen gas. However, some are composed of frozen gas and non-volatile grains. They usually follow very strict paths around the sun. Comets become most visible when they cross the sun. This also applies to people who view comets with telescopes. When a comet gets near the sun it becomes very visible because the sun's radiation starts to sublime its volatile gases, which, in turn, blow away small bits of the little solid material the comet has.... [tags: Astronomy Essays Space Outer] 1881 words (5.4 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Comets - COMETS Comets have been witnessed ever since man has been speculating about objects in the nighttime sky and appear in records from the beginning of recorded civilization (Schweighauser 20). Comets are made up of four distinct features. The first is the nucleus. The nucleus is made up of frozen gases, mostly water vapor with lesser amounts of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, and imbedded in the frozen gases are interplanetary dust and tiny fragments of stony and metallic meteoric material.... [tags: essays research papers] 452 words (1.3 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Comets - Comets What is Cometography. Cometography is a four-volume project I have been working on since the mid-1970s. Jump-started by comet Kohoutek of 1973-1974, I began researching comets and immediately found myself becoming more and more intrigued by them. It was fascinating to read about comets that unexpectedly split, brightened, or faded. There were also interesting stories concerning the discovery circumstances of some comets, as well as tales about how comets affected cultures. As I continued reading I found that, back in 1967, the International Astronomical Union suggested that an up-to-date descriptive catalog of comets or "cometography" was needed.... [tags: Essays Papers] 884 words (2.5 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Comets - Naked Eye Appearance: Seeing a comet with the naked eye is a somewhat rare occurrance. On the average we get a naked-eye comet once every five or six years and this includes comets that become barely visible to the naked eye. Classic comets with long tails only appear about once every 10-12 years. The motion is very difficult to detect and comparing its place with naked-eye stars over several days is the only way to see it move. In general, comets are best observed with telescopes or binoculars.... [tags: essays research papers] 1052 words (3 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Comets - The first written records of comets date back to nearly 3,000 years ago from China and Europe. The accounts of these comets were believed to be the causes of terrible events that occurred afterwards. In more recent times, however, astronomers have found out what they really are. A comet is basically a mixture of ices, from both water and frozen gases, and dust. They have also been given the names dirty snowballs or icy mud balls. The typical comet is less than 10 kilometers across. They spend most of their time frozen solid in the outer parts of our solar system.... [tags: essays research papers fc] :: 2 Works Cited 2350 words (6.7 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] The Iceman Cometh by Eugene O'Neill - Eugene ONeill was the leading playwright in America in the first half of the 20th century. In his entire artistic career, He completed nearly 50 plays, which deal with a wide variety of subjects, concerning issues in religion, society, family and humanity. As a pioneer of modern American theatre, he made a great contribution to American drama, American culture and American ideas. The critical studies of Eugene ONeill have long since focused in his expressionistic techniques, his tragic tensions, his tragic consciousness, and his philosophy.... [tags: playwriter, artistic career] :: 9 Works Cited 1355 words (3.9 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Denial in The Iceman Cometh - Denial in The Iceman Cometh Denial is the refusal to admit the truth. It is the refusal to accept or acknowledge the reality or validity of a thing or idea. Many characters in The Iceman Cometh suffer from denial and false hope. O'Neill places these characters in the appropriate setting in which they are able to fantasize about their dreams. Amidst the drunken and misguided characters, O'Neill presents a few that the reader builds hope and sympathy for. Each character uses a pipe dream in order to be able to become blind to their downfalls and to reality.... [tags: Papers] 1527 words (4.4 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Napoleon Bonaparte- Pride Cometh Before a Fall - 1769 was a distinct year in France. With the French Revolution just 20 years away, France was beginning to experience social and political unrest. This also marked the beginning of Europes industrial revolution and the Battle of Ponte Novu was fought on May 8th. This battle was important because it was the end of the Corsican War, which resulting in France occupying the island. The 1770s saw a period of greater social unrest and political turmoil. The American Revolution began in 1776 and thoughts of liberty and justice were also making their way across the Atlantic to France.... [tags: Biography ] :: 6 Works Cited 1706 words (4.9 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Importance of the Cosmos - The Cosmos dictate the life and death of every organism within its grasps. The universe gave birth to us and will eventually lead to the end of all human existence. What lies in the vast emptiness of space carries a great amount of crucial knowledge that all humans should be aware of. The cosmos should be an important subject in the life of any human who cherishes their life. Our universe should be of great importance to all people. A single event created everything we see today; time, space, and all matter including humans.... [tags: Universe, space, time] :: 4 Works Cited 1402 words (4 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Content Analysis: An Examination of Web-based Orientation Materials - ... 47). That is, processing information is an extensive undertaking and is best practiced when both content and visual information are provided to the learner. There is not prior evidence that organizations are employing this type of training. The current research in information overload, cognitive theory of multimedia learning, and visual communication leads me to the following research questions: (RQ1) How are organizations using visuals to communicate messages, (RQ2) What type of information is included in orientation materials, and (RQ3) How do visuals enhance the content provide to the learn.... [tags: orientation process, new comers] :: 12 Works Cited 1409 words (4 pages) Term Papers [preview] the earths wind - Extras Meteors A brilliant meteor, called a fireball, may weigh many kilograms, but even a meteor weighing less than a gram can produce a beautiful trail. Some of these visitors from space are large enough to survive (at least partially) their trip through the atmosphere and impact the ground as meteorites. Fireballs are sometimes followed by trails of light that persist for up to 30 minutes; some, called bolides, explode with a loud thunderous sound. Meteoroids The term meteor comes from the Greek meteoron, meaning phenomenon in the sky.... [tags: essays research papers] 484 words (1.4 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Haley's Comet is Only Comet Visible from Earth with Naked Eye - ... The comets tail extended nearly 60 degrees across the sky. This sighting was written by astronomers in Japan, China, Germany, and the Middle East. Halley was seen in England in 1066, and it was thought to be a bad omen, for later that same year, Harold II of England died. William the Conquerer interpreted Halley as the cause for his success in battle, as the comet is depicted on the Bayeux Tapestry as a flaming star in Williams honor. Additionally, in 1301, the Italian painter Giotto di Bondone made a skillfully precise painting of Halleys Comet in a family chapel based on its passing that year.... [tags: orbit, astronomy, solar system] 899 words (2.6 pages) Better Essays [preview] Explaining Dinosaurs' Extintion - ... A new study implies that the crater was most likely struck out by a smaller object than previously thought. The evidence of the space rocks impact comes from a worldwide layer of sediments containing high levels of the element iridium, dubbed the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary, which could not have occurred on Earth naturally (Lewis, 2013). This theory suggests that the space rock created less debris than previously believed, suggesting the space rock was a smaller object. This means that in order for the smaller rock to have generated the giant crater, it had to have been going extremely fast.... [tags: asteroid, major climatic changes, volcano] 1391 words (4 pages) Research Papers [preview] And then God Created Jupiter - The sun is the center of the solar system, the great star in the sky, created by God to show His beauty and His power. Everything revolves around the sun, everything from the planets to peoples everyday lives. Some of the greatest planets God created are Earth and Jupiter; they are both key planets in the solar system but are both quite different. Jupiter is the planet of disproportions and storms that would rip Earth in pieces. On Jupiter there are hurricanes bigger than planet Earth itself, moons that could be called planets if they were not in Jupiters orbit, and a size so big it can swallow comets whole with only ripples in the planets clouds.... [tags: religious astronomy] :: 5 Works Cited 1247 words (3.6 pages) Strong Essays [preview] EPOXI to Comet Hartley 2 - EPOXI combines two-science investigation in a new mission that re-uses the Deep Impact spacecraft already in orbit around the Sun (National 1). EPOCH stands for extra solar planet observation and characterization and DIXI stands for the deep impact extended investigation of comets. Through combining EPOCH and DIXI that is how NASA got EPOXI. EPOXI embraces NASAs mission to explore the origin and history of our solar system by understanding the composition and diversity of cometary nuclei and the properties of other planetary systems (National 1).... [tags: NASA Essays] :: 5 Works Cited 992 words (2.8 pages) Better Essays [preview] Poety Analysis: Adrienne Rich Poetry - Much of Adrienne Richs poetry is applauded for its rhythm and form, which helps emphasize the meaning of each poem. The freely placed lines and unique structure do not break up the poem, instead they bring power and significance to the unique features of her individual poems, stressing the meaning of the poem to the reader. Concretely, her poems have much imagery, and, also, most of the time, lack comment or conclusion to the emotions and purpose of her work. The structure, form, and rhythm of Richs poetry work together flawlessly to help portray the meaning of the poem, separate from just the images themselves.... [tags: rhytm, form, power] :: 6 Works Cited 2095 words (6 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Solar Nebula Cause Planet Formation - ... In the solar nebula, tiny grains stuck together and created bigger grains that grew into clumps, possibly held together by electrical forces similar to those that make lint stick to your clothes. Subsequent collisions, if not too violent, allowed these smaller particles to grow into objects ranging in size from millimeters to kilometers. These larger objects are called planetesimals. As planetesimals moved within the disk and collide with one another, planets formed. Because astronomers have no direct way to observe how the Solar System formed, they rely heavily on computer simulations to study that remote time.... [tags: disk, condensation, rotate, planet] 532 words (1.5 pages) Strong Essays [preview] The Ulysses Mission - The Ulysses spacecraft was first and only spacecraft designed and lunched to study the Sun from outside the lower solar latitudes. All other space craft that studied the Sun stayed along the same elliptical plane that the Earth is on. The spacecraft was part of a joint venture between NASA and the ESA. Originally planed as a two spacecraft mission called the International Solar Polar Mission, it was scaled down to one probe due to NASA cutbacks in funding. This resulted in the ESA designing the spacecraft and NASA lunching it from Space Shuttle Discovery in 1990.... [tags: Space Exploration ] :: 5 Works Cited 527 words (1.5 pages) Good Essays [preview] essay - HalleysComet Comets have amazed, interested, and driven scientists to study them often. Comets like the Hale-Bopp have been seen by millions of people. Since the discovery of comets, scientists, astrologers, or and even your next door neighbor have been interested in discovering or studying comets. Like Halleys Comet which has had a real impact on the history of comets. Halleys comet put on bright shows for the planet Earth ever since 204 BC, maybe even 1059 BC. Its most famous appearance was in 1066 AD, right before the battle of Hastings.... [tags: essays research papers] 378 words (1.1 pages) Strong Essays [preview] You Can Escape a Black Hole: Surprising Informative Essay - You can escape a Black Hole: Surprising Informative Essay Have you ever taken the time to reflect and glaze upon the night sky, conjecturing and dreaming of what lies beyond our planet. Our universe also known as the Milky Way Galaxy is very miscellaneous and unique. With many marvelous wonders, the Milky Way Galaxy holds about mysterious belongings that are very challenging for human minds to understand due to the many complications that arise when we try to examine and explore the principles of space.... [tags: Astronomy ] :: 4 Works Cited 973 words (2.8 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Stand and Deliver in the Film Blackboard Jungle - ... The movie represented an important change in films, by presenting relevant cultural issues occurring in society. The film similarly had a significant effect in music by using Rock n Roll music in the soundtrack, making Bill Haley and the Comets Rock Around the Clock an instant hit song. The movie received Academy Award nominations for Best Adapted Screenplay; Best Cinematography; Best Art Direction; and Film Editing. Turner Classic Movies (TCM) acknowledged the soundtrack among the most influential of all time explaining it by stating: MGM brought Hollywood into the Rock 'n' Roll era with Blackboard Jungle.... [tags: teacher, school, students, learn, violence] 616 words (1.8 pages) Research Papers [preview] It is Crucial to Keep Funding NASA - ... This is not true, as NASA has multiple ways of stopping these collisions, including nuclear explosions, spacecraft impacts, and the use of a micro-thrusting spacecraft (Greicius). These impact prevention techniques and detection programs all come out of NASA, and it is crucial for NASA to stay funded to prevent disasters from striking and killing all life on Earth. Furthermore, NASA is discovering other planets that we could eventually inhabit once the population is too large for Earth or conditions are no longer suitable for life.... [tags: space exploration, future knowledge and technology] :: 10 Works Cited 1070 words (3.1 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Concept of Nebulae for Astronomy - ... This helped in undermining Kants Island Theory as it led Herschel to believe these nebulas were not just filled with stars but true nebulosity as well. This led Herschel to observe another phenomena that each nebula had its own central star within it. This also helped in disregarding Kants theory that all nebulas were filled with starry material and helped in bringing about a new theory, which entailed that these clouds, were mostly filled with gases and dust particles with a star in the middle that Herschel related to the birth/death of a star.... [tags: theory, invention, modern, factors] 2135 words (6.1 pages) Research Papers [preview] Leonhard Euler's Life and Accomplishments - Leonhard Euler was born in Basel, Switzerland as the first born child of Paul Euler and Marguerite Brucker on April 15, 1707. Eulers formal education started in Basel where he was sent to live with his maternal grandmother on his fathers orders. Euler's father wanted his son to follow him in working for the church and sent him to the University of Basel to prepare him in becoming a pastor. He entered the University in 1720 to gain general knowledge before moving on to more advanced studies. Eulers pastime was used for studying theology, Greek, and Hebrew in order to become a pastor like his father.... [tags: bernoulli, mathematician, euler-bernoulli] 607 words (1.7 pages) Good Essays [preview] Interplanetary Dust and Orbital Debris - ... Chrondrites contains Mg, Al, Si, S, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe and Ni. IDP motion dynamics The dynamics of interplanetary dust particles are determined by a variety of forces that Can change the parameters of a dust grains orbital motion. Very small IDP has perturbation by other forces. The P-R effect (pointing-Robertson effect) causes a deceleration in particles. Radiation pressure (its radial component) works against gravity. Defining the forces acting on the particle is The force of gravity acting upon a grain with density at a heliocentric distance r is Force of gravity=GM/r^2 *(4*)/3 *s^3 1/r^2 The gravity dominates all forces in the orbit.... [tags: astronomy, celestial bodies] 1045 words (3 pages) Research Papers [preview] The Star of Bethlehem - ... The wise men followed the star to Bethlehem from Jerusalem. This creates point eight: The star traveled ahead of them. The last point is one of intrigue. The wise men followed the star until it stopped over Bethlehem. Point nine: The star had to be able to stop. Can stars stop. When did the star occur. What was the star. Knowing these will help find the star. In the 1602 an astronomer named Kepler discovered the math to determine the exact positions of the stars in the sky on a specific date.... [tags: wise, men, questions, characteristics] 676 words (1.9 pages) Better Essays [preview] H.G. Wells Research Paper - ... He believed time travel could be achievable. Why should man not hope that ultimately he may be able to stop or accelerate his drift along the time dimension (Wells, The Time Machine). H.G. Wells was very confident in the ability to time travel. It was one if his top desires to be able to time travel. Why would he discuss time travel so much in his novels, and interviews if he did not believe time travel could be achieved. There are really four dimensions, three of which we call planes at space, and the fourth, time(Wells, The Time Machine).... [tags: science fiction, alien invasion, new diseases] 1220 words (3.5 pages) Strong Essays [preview] The Origin of Life - The origin of Life There are many theories where life came from, but none of them is proven to be the right one. The obvious theory that life originated on earth is not accepted by everyone. One reason of disbelief in this theory that life originated on earth is a lack of time. It was an early belief that life originated through a slow and long process (many scientists do not share this belief though), probably too short and too long for the time life had on our planet. Life must have been formed within a period of approximately 200 million years.... [tags: ] 1608 words (4.6 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Shoemaker - Levy 9 - Shoemaker - Levy 9 Over 200 million Megatons of dynamite collide with Jupiter. In July 1994 Shoemaker - Levy 9 collided with Jupiter. What is Shoemaker - Levy 9, and how was it discovered. What is Jupiter, and why did Shoemaker - Levy 9 collide with it. Can an event like this happen to Earth. I will answer these questions in this report. But let me start by telling you what Shoemaker - Levy 9 is. Shoemaker - Levy 9 is a comet, a small irregular mass made up of rocks and frozen gasses. Comets follow large orbits from around the Sun to the outer corners of our solar system.... [tags: essays research papers] 1236 words (3.5 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Gulliver's Travels - Satire - Gulliver's Travels - Satire Gulliver's Travels was written during an era of change known as the Reformation Period. The way this book is written suggests some of the political themes from that time period, including the well-known satire. These themes are displayed throughout Gulliver's Travels, and even sometimes reflect upon today's society. Many things in the book Gulliver's Travels prove that it was set in the Restoration Period. Some of the ways you can tell this are: the clothing, the speech, the governments, and of course, the lack of technology.... [tags: Gulliver's Travels Essays] 703 words (2 pages) Strong Essays [preview] The Law of Universal Gravitation by Isaac Newton - Before the Early Modern Period, the system of the universe often eluded people of earth. Early scientists and philosophers like Aristarchus of Samos, and Ptolemy formed hypotheses that touched the surface the universes complex functions, but did not full reveal the mysteries the heavens hold. However, when mathematician and physicist, Sir Isaac Newton proposed his law of universal gravitation, numerous doors to the understanding of the world began to open. Newtons law is represented as F = (G m1m2) / r^2, where F is the attractive force, G is the gravitational constant, m1 is the first mass, m2 the second mass, and r is the distance between the center of the masses.... [tags: modern period, universe, eath] :: 4 Works Cited 553 words (1.6 pages) Good Essays [preview] Solar System - Solar System Humans live on a small planet in a tiny part of a vast universe. This part of the universe is called the solar system, and is dominated by a single brilliant star-the sun. The solar system is the earths neighbourhood and the planets Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are the Earths neighbours. They all have the same stars in the sky and orbit the same sun. Scientists believe the solar system began about 5 billion years ago, perhaps when a nearby star exploded and caused a large cloud of dust and gas to collapse in on itself.... [tags: Science Astrology Planets Essays] 1581 words (4.5 pages) Strong Essays [preview] light pollution - Light pollution happened slowly at first which was several decades ago it was a process that was hardly noticeable. A light here, a light there, burning way into the dark nighttime realm, helping us see in the darkness when people all their our beds fast asleep. The process still continues today, with little thought ever given to what we are stealing away. Our intentions are good but our methods need adjustment, and they needs to be done immediately. In fact, our methods should have been changed years ago, but nearly everyone has resisted, perhaps due to a profound lack of awareness.... [tags: essays research papers] 3090 words (8.8 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] asteroid defense - The U.S. federal government is summoning the world's top scientists to an urgent conference this summer to plan defenses against an attack that could wipe out an American city or disrupt the whole country's infrastructure. No, it's not global terrorism. The scientists will map ways to combat an asteroid attack, a cosmic sucker punch like the collision that killed the dinosaurs 65 million years ago and flattened a Siberian forest in 1908. While the world's attention is focused on the real threat of terrorism, the theoretical asteroid menace has been garnering a surprising amount of behind-the-scenes attention.... [tags: essays research papers] 403 words (1.2 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Dimensional Argument Against the Snowball Earth Hypothesis - A most recent inquiry into climatic change during the ice age and it's possibility of reoccurring is the Snowball Earth Hypothesis advanced by Paul Hoffman of Harvard University. Snowball Earth Suggest that before the Ice age, continents ice free at the poles enhanced the reabsorption of carbon dioxide through erosion of silicate minerals, reducing the greenhouse effect making the earth colder until it reached a runaway point. This effect is Hoffman calls albedo, when the atmosphere becomes so cold it can never warm up again.... [tags: essays research papers] :: 4 Works Cited 1117 words (3.2 pages) Strong Essays [preview] The Origin and Structure of our Universe - I suppose that the Universe we can observe and cognize consists of self-developing hierarchically co-subordinate and genetically relative systems of cosmic bodies. Each of the systems is distinguished by the qualitative state of substance composing its bodies but main evolution mechanisms are common to all the systems. What is common to all the systems. The central most massive body of every system is a parental body for its younger members. The central massive body of every system at intervals conceives in its interiors new cosmic bodies to put them into initial (circum-parental) orbits.... [tags: Physics Universe Space Science Essays] 3944 words (11.3 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Films About Baseball: A League of Their Own and The Jackie Robinson Story - ... Dugan was brilliant slugger for the Cubs that lost his career by drinking too much and hurting his knee while drunk. Depressed and constantly drunk, he only goes through the bare minimum motions only so he can get paid and buy more alcohol. Without any management to the team Dottie steps up and becomes the teams de facto leader. At first the new AAGPBL attracts very little attention and the owners begin to have second thoughts and consider calling the whole thing off. The leagues general manager, Ira Lowenstein (David Strathaim) urges them to make a show of it and try to do something to impress a Life magazine photographer at one of the games.... [tags: women, league, players] 1284 words (3.7 pages) Better Essays [preview] Renaissance Artist Engineers: The Start of the Scientific Revolution - I do not doubt that in the course of time this new science will be improved by further observations, and still more by true and conclusive proofs. But this need not diminish the glory of the first observer. My regard for the inventor of the harp is not mad less by knowing that his instrument was very crudely constructed and still more crudely played. Rather, I admire him more than I do the hundreds of craftsmen who in ensuing centuries have brought this art to the highest perfection To apply oneself to great inventions, starting from the smallest beginnings is no task for ordinary minds; to divine that wonderful art lie hid behind trivial and childish things is a conception for superhuma... [tags: inventions, Galileo Galilei] :: 7 Works Cited 2039 words (5.8 pages) Term Papers [preview] Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence is an Ongoing Process - Search for extraterrestrial intelligence is an ongoing process. Understanding life is the first step. When looking for life in our solar system and universe, the first place to begin the search for life is to look at life on Earth. Earth has six properties found in all organisms and eight possible theories to how life begin. Over 3 billion years ago till the present; life has gone from a single organism to what it is now. Natural selection enabled life to adapt and enhance the odds of survival. The next step is to look for planets that are within the habitual zone that could possibly sustain extraterrestrial life.... [tags: extraterrestrial life, solar system, clay theory] :: 7 Works Cited 1126 words (3.2 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Science Revolution: Separating Modern Science With Theological Speculations - During the 17th century, European philosophy and religion was challenged with the introduction of the scientific revolution. Through the three factors that incorporate science: a body of knowledge, a system of inquiry, and thinkers to support their findings (494); old and new worldviews were being questioned. While some thinkers of the era were not intentionally trying to separate religion and science, their ideas created controversy, which in some areas slowed down the growth of scientific experimentation and knowledge.... [tags: scientific experimentation, planets, sun] :: 1 Works Cited 878 words (2.5 pages) Better Essays [preview] The Discovery of The X-Ray: Wilhelm Konrad Rontgen - ... X-rays can be used to treat cancer patients by destroying the cancer cells. Airports use X-rays all the time to ensure that safety and security remain at a high level of emphasis, so they can easily find weapons, drugs and objects that are illegal and threaten to disturb the peace. X-rays are also used to search and determine problems in applications like materials, food, and electronics, medical or biological means. Tires, seeds, and many other items rely on the assistance of X-rays to find defects.... [tags: ultra violet light, cancer cells] 1221 words (3.5 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Space Exploration: A Waste of Tax Revenues - U.S. Federal government support of space exploration is NOT the most effective way to engage in scientific discovery Space exploration can be dated back to the age of European Renaissance, a historic age when arts and cultural transformation began. It was the same era when there gradual but widespread transition in educational reforms. Since then the flourishing art and science of stars and planets transformed in to the minute details of comets and meteors. The study, which started as the fundamental physical laws, governing the motions of planets around the sun, gave a great insight of not just our planet earth but also of millions of galaxies, which exist, in the world beyond us.... [tags: Space Exploration Essays] :: 16 Works Cited 2137 words (6.1 pages) Term Papers [preview] Why is Authenticity Important In Rock Music? - Throughout the decades the face of rock music has changed drastically because of a series of small events that have occurred for example, the song that saw the birth of early rock music The Comets hit Rocket 66 a 50's classic that endeared audiences with its atypical crunchy guitar tone, this was brought about by Ike Turner who dropped his guitar amplifier outside of the recording studio causing the amplifier to break and distort the sound this small accident caused Rock and Rock if we fast forward around 20 years and you have a young man called Tony Iommi working in a steel factory in Birmingham when he loses concentration severing the tips of two fingers causing him to de-tune his guitar... [tags: Music Analysis ] :: 3 Works Cited 912 words (2.6 pages) Better Essays [preview] The Work and Contributions of Christoph Scheiner - Christoph Scheiner was born in, Wald, Swabia, on July 25, 1573. He grew into his youth around the same time as the religious Society of Jesus (Jesuits) became popularized. The Jesuits were an offshoot off traditional Catholicism, whereby the values enacted by Jesuits directly reflected the principals held by the Catholic Church. Some claim the formation of the Jesuits was a retaliatory Counter Reformation of its own, and was enacted in an effort to combat the Protestant Reformation, which had swept across Europe during the first half of the same century (OMalley, 43).... [tags: Astronomers] :: 6 Works Cited 2249 words (6.4 pages) Term Papers [preview] The Habitability of Planets in the Universe - Are we alone in the universe. Is anything or anybody out there. These are age old questions, asked from people of all ages and races. But the first questions we need to ask are if it is even possible. Are there any other planets out there that are habitable. What does a planet need to be habitable. Without a habitable planet life cannot sustain in the universe, the search for life in the universe has been long and hard with no results proving life to exist outside of earth. The most predominant searchers of those at the SETI Institute or Search for Extra-Terrestrial Intelligence Institute, a privately funded organization, that uses various methods to search for electromagnetic transmissions,... [tags: Astronomy ] :: 5 Works Cited 2190 words (6.3 pages) Term Papers [preview] America Should Spend More on Space Exploration - Space exploration should be funded at even greater levels than at present. It has provided scientific, technological, and economic benefits for all mankind. Furthermore it will continue to provide these benefits as long as we continue to explore. The American space program as well as the United States economy is facing many challenges at this time but we need to look at what the long term costs of not continuing a robust manned and unmanned space program will be. The solar system holds many mysteries and an untold amount of untapped resources that if not explored and utilized by the United States will be utilized by other Nations.... [tags: Argumentative Essays, Space Program] :: 8 Works Cited 2303 words (6.6 pages) Term Papers [preview] The Influence of Religion on Scientific Advancement - Religion is an intricate part of society. It has existed since the beginning of civilization and continues expanding today. This physical organization of personal beliefs has created wars and revolutions; nations and constitutions. In a subject as controversial as that of faith, it is often difficult to discern if it has benefitted humanity. One especially relevant issue today is religions influence on science. Throughout history, it is evident that religious movements have occasionally impeded scientific discovery; however, there is also evidence that scientific progression has been aided by religious ideology.... [tags: Religion] :: 11 Works Cited 1736 words (5 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Near-Earth Objects and Their Impact on Society - Ever since the beginning of human history, people explored. Man, woman and child alike had opportunities to see the beauty and magnificence of Earth. They have seen the vast outstretches of Earths land, from the lush green plains of America, to the brilliant golden sands of Africa, and the roaring deep blue oceans. Over time, humans settled, leaving their nomadic past behind. Yet, their thirst for exploration continued. Magellan, Columbus, and Lewis and Clark, for example, quenched this thirst by going on expeditions to find new pathways for land, riches, or both.... [tags: Space Exploration ] :: 7 Works Cited 2243 words (6.4 pages) Term Papers [preview] This Generation is Smarter than Past Generations - I strongly believe that people of my generation are smarter and more intelligent than our ancestors, while my grandparents disagree with this idea. I see that the present-day discovery of scientific facts and modern technology help shaping our idea of the world and lead us to the better understanding of the world, by giving us skill of swiftness, convenient access to information and fact of nature, and correcting the false myths. Also, brand-new style of teaching allows kids these days to be more creative and confident than those in the old days, as students are allowed to use ask their teacher when in doubt, and join an open discussion in class.... [tags: My Generation] :: 2 Works Cited 1077 words (3.1 pages) Good Essays [preview] The Classification and Main Types of Meteorites - The Classification and Main Types of Meteorites Many meteorites have been discovered over the years which, in many cases, can give an insight into the creation of the universe. All these meteorites can be grouped together by looking at the various characteristics they have in common, such as the structures of the different meteorites and the isotopic properties of the meteorites. When trying to classify meteorites, they are generally identified as one of the three main groups of meteorites: Iron, Stony and Stony-iron.... [tags: stoney, chondrites and achondrites] :: 9 Works Cited 1425 words (4.1 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Human Interest in Space and Its Secrets - ... These supernovas distort their surrounding solar systems and the visible light of the gamma-ray bursts bypass us as an observer. As the gamma-ray burst slows down from its central engine of origin, the gamma rays beams widen and encompass more area of the jet. If these jets of gamma-ray bursts were not pointed towards the Earth, the super nova would only be visible. As the traveling jets lessened, the light beams from the explosion would widen. These directional gamma-ray jet bursts of visible light expanding bathed the Earth and would appear to brighten as the intensity of the jet widened until the energy subsided.... [tags: exploring the limits of our galaxy] 1081 words (3.1 pages) Better Essays [preview] The All American Girls Professional Baseball League - ... No team would overpower another. Other teams were added in the following seasons. After the Racine Belles came the Kenosha Comets, South Bend Blue Sox, and Rockford Peaches. Next was the Minneapolis Millerettes, Milwaukee Chicks, and Fort Wayne Daisies. Soon after, the Grand Rapids Chicks, Muskegon Lassies, Kalamazoo Lassies, Peoria Redwings, and Chicago Colleens were started. In the late 1940s, the final teams were formed; the Springfield Sallies, Battle Creek Belles, and finally the Muskegon Belles(Galt, 12).... [tags: athletes, society, workplace, female] 1290 words (3.7 pages) Strong Essays [preview] The Western World at War: The Crusades - ... However, Muslim forces reoccupied the city within a matter of years and the Jews quickly followed and met the Muslims with the same resistance as before. Over the next 180 years, the Holy Catholic Church would repeat this process eight more times with only a little success. The ninth and final crusade ended in 1272 and, to this day, the Holy Land of Jerusalem is still a war zone between Christians, Muslims and Jews. For thousands of years, Jerusalem has been considered the holiest city in the world by Jews, Christians, And Muslims.... [tags: religion, expansion, holy] :: 3 Works Cited 682 words (1.9 pages) Better Essays [preview] How Did Life on Earth Begin - Life as defined by Knoll, a profesor of Biology at Harvard, is a system in which proteins and nucleic acid interact in ways that allow the structure to grow and reproduce (2004). Or in other words, one can describe life as having these six features; i) have carbon as a driving force, essential for it to grow and being able to make copies for itself and also must have the ability to convert the inorganic sources like carbon dioxide into organic molecules, in the case of hetrotrophics. ii) metabolism, a catalysis-based reactions that occur in a body or system.... [tags: Origin of life on Earth] :: 26 Works Cited 1905 words (5.4 pages) Term Papers [preview] A Talking Dog: A Short Story - This is a story of Max, who went to sleep an ordinary boy and woke up with an unordinary ability. The ability to with his dog Comet. He first realized this when his dog came in that morning and started barking. Instead of hearing barks, he heard "come on and wake up you lazy bum it's time for school" At first he couldn't believe what had just happened. After wiping his eyes and making sure he wasn't dreaming, he said to his dog Comet "it's Saturday, I'm sleeping in." Comet responded with "In that case get up you lazy bum and play outside with me" Max thought this was the coolest thing ever.... [tags: Bark, Communication] 624 words (1.8 pages) Good Essays [preview] Planets From a Spaceship: A Story - ... There was a green house effect occurring here as well as the clouds of dust surrounding it was burning In astronomy mythology, Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty. In Greek, her name was Aphrodite. In astronomy mythology, Mercury was the Roman version of the Greek god Hermes. He was the messenger for the other gods, and for this reason Mercury is often depicted in pictures with winged sandals. In addition to delivering messages, he was also the protector of travelers and Mercury. If you moved to Mercury you would not weigh as much as you do on Earth.... [tags: Earth, Atmosphere] 1096 words (3.1 pages) Better Essays [preview] Popular Music and Community Identity - Identity is defined by the cultural differences of individual people, groups or communities of people that express economic and political views that we identify with (Barker qtd. in Shuker 142). The construction of identity is not to look at it as a production, incomplete but always constituted within, not outside, representation (Hall qtd. in Weedon 5). Community identity, as one of the forms of identity with self-identity and national identity, is used in popular music to identify with a group of people that share invested interests to form a community (Shuker 142-143).... [tags: Culture] :: 6 Works Cited 1041 words (3 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Off To See The Wizard - The air was frigid and I couldn't move. Where am I. I couldn't see anything and it felt like my body was going to explode, something was strangling me to death. I attempted to reach my wand, but my hands were frozen in fear. This has never happened before. This place feels as if it's filled with the darkest magic. Is... this my final resting place. The unknown force continued to strangle me. My whole body was shaking. The strangling suddenly loosened, but my fear did not cease. A door opened and was slammed shut.... [tags: Creative Writing Essay] 1623 words (4.6 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] What Really Killed the Dinosaurs? - Dinosaur stress: Stress on the dinosaurs is a possible solution for their extinction. This theory was first thought up by Heinrch K. Erben when he found that the shell thickness of a certain type of dinosaur species decreased as time went on. It was thought that the warm climate and good habitats in the Cretaceous period could have caused over population of dinosaurs, thus an increase of stress on the dinosaurs would develop. Stress is known to cause hormonal imbalances in modern day birds and lizards, so this could have happened to female dinosaurs.... [tags: Animal Research ] :: 3 Works Cited 862 words (2.5 pages) Better Essays [preview] The Extinction of Pleistocene Mammals - During the late Pleistocene, a mystery occurred in which large mammals went extinct in North America while they survived in other parts of the world. Scientists studying the late Pleistocene extinction provided a plethora of explanations, including overkill by humans, extraterrestrial events, and climate changes (Faith and Surovell, 2009). However, there was no unified explanation that they all agreed upon. Taking note of this, J. Tyler Faith and Todd A. Surovell conducted tests to discover whether the extinction was a single event or a long-term process.... [tags: Paleontology] :: 9 Works Cited 1339 words (3.8 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Famous Pioneers of the Enlightenment - The breakthroughs that came out of the Scientific Revolution had a profound impact on the Enlightenment period. The Enlightenment movement would not have been possible if it werent for the brave men who dared to go against established ways of thinking. These men took risks and put themselves at the mercy of public scrutiny. They not only asked questions about the workings of our world but also devised new scientific methods that uncovered new truths about our very existence. Instead of relying on religious dogma and mystical practices, common during the 16th and 17th century to help answer questions, they developed their own hypothesis.... [tags: Scientific Revolution, Religion, Theorists] 1137 words (3.2 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Demotion of Pluto: Dwarf Planet - From the time Clyde W. Tombaugh first discovered Pluto in 1930, it was viewed as an oddball planet leading up to its reclassification in 2006. For decades, Pluto was once used as a benchmark for the outer reach and size of our solar system. In recent years, new discoveries of celestial bodies within the vicinity of Plutos orbit have challenged its planetary status. The debate over Plutos classification was discussed throughout several media and news articles, leading to serious controversy amongst astronomers and the decision as to whether or not Pluto should be categorized as one of the planets in our solar system.... [tags: celestial body, Eris and Sedna, dwarf planet ] :: 1 Works Cited 1120 words (3.2 pages) Strong Essays [preview] How Can We Avoid Asteroids? - ... On the whole, this method is efficient because it produces immediate results, neutralizing the threat relatively quickly. Moreover, the chances of the launch going wrong is highly minimal. For example, an asteroid 1000 feet wide can be neutralized far outside Earth's gravitational field with a warning time of just 30 days, according to Wie. Computer simulations suggest that the percentage of the destroyed asteroids mass that would actually hit Earth is less than 0.1%. Most likely the asteroid mitigation would cause a heavy meteor shower to transpire, or events of the like of the 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor- although, that would be a small price to pay compared to the original asteroid, whic... [tags: astronomy, gravity, physics] :: 14 Works Cited 1347 words (3.8 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] The Cloning of a Mammoth - The Pleistocene epoch spanned from 1.8 million years ago to 10,000 years ago [1]. Many genera and even species such as conifers, mosses, flowering plants, insects, mollusks, birds, and mammals from that era still survive today [1]. Others, such as the long-horned bison, saber-toothed cats, giant ground sloths, and the mammoth did not survive [1]. The woolly mammoth was commonly found during the last ice age [2]. These animals were similar in size to todays elephants but were adapted for living in the extremely cold conditions typical of an ice age [2].... [tags: mammoths, ice age, extinct, climate] 2247 words (6.4 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Creation: Biblical and Other Theories - Living Stardust To complete Gods masterpiece, the Biblical account states that God created vegetation and living creatures according to their kinds: birds, fish, livestock, creatures that move on the ground, wild animals, and man. Biblical authors were not seasoned biologists or geneticists and obviously did not possess an understanding of microbial organisms, amino acids, proteins, elements, atoms, molecules, cells, chromosomes, genes, DNA, and RNA. They explained the beginnings of life in terms that made sense to them at the time.... [tags: Physics, Evolution] 1899 words (5.4 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Why Should Humans Explore Space? - ... The idea of the project is that because the telescope is high in the sky, the infrared blocking water vapor on the ground will not affect the telescope and the telescope will have a much clearer view of the infrared universe (than if a telescope was on the ground). SOFIA objectives are to study the composition of planetary atmospheres, investigate structure and composition of comets, learn about the interstellar medium, and to learn about the formation of stars. The project began in 1996 with an estimated cost of 185 million dollars and was to be completed in 2001.... [tags: NASA, carl sagan] 1412 words (4 pages) Better Essays [preview] Biography of Johann Elert Bode - ... He allowed Bode to use the schools library to better his scientific education. Bode was offered a job as a calculator and a professor at the Berlin Academy of Science. While he was here, he and Johann Heinrich Lambert created and published the Berliner Astronomisches Jahrbuch. Bode married Johanna Christiane Lange and had four children with her. The year after she died, he married her elder sister, Sophie Dorothea Lange and they had one son, then she died. A year later, he remarried to his third wife, Charlotte Wilhelmine Lehmann and they had three children.... [tags: astronomy, bodes law] 555 words (1.6 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Immanuel Velikovsky - Correspondence Before the Day Breaks, When I first ran across any of Velikovsky's ideas it was in this online book Before the Day Breaks. In this book Velikovsky writes about his correspondence and conversations with Albert Einstein. I read some of this book before ever reading anything else of Velikovsky, or having any idea of what was proposed in his book Worlds in Collision. Before the Day Breaks is a very well written book, where Velikovsky's main argument is that gravity and inertia are not the only forces acting on the solar system.... [tags: biographies bio] 1211 words (3.5 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Cover Bands - Is the cover a good thing or a bad thing. Are there any cover songs that you have heard and have grown to like more than the original. Perhaps there are songs that you have heard and have later come to the realization that it is indeed a cover song. This is the case for me. However, my feelings on cover songs vary depending on the particular instance. I think the cover is a good thing now days. There are many new songs that I have heard and have later realized that it is a cover song. I probably would have never heard the original song if it wasnt covered.... [tags: essays research papers] 631 words (1.8 pages) Strong Essays [preview] Jazz, Society, and Technology - Jazz, Society, and Technology History is often written as if there is a defining moment where everything changes. However, it is most often the case that a series of events and stressors are the culprits of such change, as is the case of the decline of jazzs popularity. Some point to The Beatles landing in JFK airport and others say Elviss television appearance. In reality, there were many evolvements both, technological and cultural, that lead to what some may call the great decline in music history.... [tags: Music History, American Culture] :: 10 Works Cited 1769 words (5.1 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Creative Writing: Sky Blue - ... (Just like he completely ruined her life, basically.) Massie falls upon the comforting cement, staring at the starless night sky, the meteors and the comets moving at astronomical speeds, magic that could only come from perfection; tonight, though, they have all been blown out. There is this empty ache, the silence, the never-ending silence, that threatens to destroy every thought, every hope left in this desolate city. She is lying still, extending her hand upwards as if she can still reach past the stars, pulling them all back down to her heavy heart; she believes that the normal nights have past long back on normal nights, he would have come.... [tags: oak trees, funeral, girl, boy] 1794 words (5.1 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Contributions to Science of Sir Isaac Newton - Sir Isaac Newton was born on December 25, 1642 in Woolsthorpe, near Grantham in Lincolnshire, England. Newton is clearly the most influential scientist who ever lived. His accomplishments in mathematics, optics, and physics laid the foundations for modern science and revolutionized the world. Newton studied at Cambridge and was professor there from 1669 to 1701, succeeding his teacher Isaac Barrow as Lucasian professor of mathematics. His most important discoveries were made during the two-year period from 1664 to 1666, when the university was closed and he retired to his hometown of Woolsthorpe.... [tags: Contributions of Isaac Newton] 493 words (1.4 pages) Strong Essays [preview] The Gravitational Slingshot - The Gravitational Slingshot The gravitational slingshot is a way that scientists have truly harnessed the gravitational pull of a planet by using it to launch satellites and other useful projectiles towards their desired locations. This method was developed through the use of Newton's Laws of Gravity and Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion. When these ideas of gravity and the shape of a planet's orbit were brought together piece by piece, this new theory changed how a projectile traveling through space could simply cross an orbital pattern, which would in turn change the path of the moving object.... [tags: Scientific Research ] :: 4 Works Cited 1563 words (4.5 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Solar System Formation - Our sun is the central pivot point to which or entire planet and solar system is built around. With out it all life on our planet would cease to exist. Within this paper we will explore how our Sun and solar system formed and came to resemble what we see today. The Big Bang, the alpha of existence for the building blocks of stars, happened approximately fourteen billion years ago. The elements produced by the big bang consisted of hydrogen and helium with trace amounts of lithium. Hydrogen and helium are the essential structure which build stars.... [tags: Astronomy ] :: 2 Works Cited 1864 words (5.3 pages) Term Papers [preview] The Solar System - Our solar system was born when, in a spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy, a giant rotating cloud of dust and gasses began to collapse. Gravity compressed the dust and gasses and the cloud got increasingly hotter and began to spin faster. During the following one hundred million years, the gasses compressed until the center was so hot that nuclear fusion occurred giving off tremendous energy, combining charged atoms of hydrogen to form helium. This process gave birth to a star, our Sun (Our Solar System, n.d.).... [tags: Astronomy] :: 7 Works Cited 1866 words (5.3 pages) Term Papers [preview] A Mammoth Dilemma - The Pleistocene epoch spanned from 1.8 million years ago to 10,000 years ago [1]. Many genera and even species such as conifers, mosses, flowering plants, insects, mollusks, birds, and mammals from that era still survive today [1]. Others, such as the long-horned bison, saber-toothed cats, giant ground sloths, and the mammoth did not survive [1]. The woolly mammoth was a commonly found mammal during the last ice age [2]. These animals were similar in size to elephants but were adapted for living in the extremely cold conditions typical of an ice age [2].... [tags: mammal, cloning, genome, technology, extinction] :: 13 Works Cited 2249 words (6.4 pages) Term Papers [preview] The Big Bang - The universe is a magnificent place. There are thought to be more than 100 billion galaxies, each, with 100 billion stars (Hawking 48). There are vast clouds of gas, light years across, each taking on its own dazzling shape and color. In our solar system alone, there are planets asteroids, comets and moons. For millennia, humans have attributed the workings and beauty of the cosmos to the divine. Slowly, we learned that laws governed the motion of these celestial bodies, laws which would come to be known as the laws of physics.... [tags: Universe, Galxies, Stars, Origins, Theory] :: 7 Works Cited 1449 words (4.1 pages) Powerful Essays [preview] Our Solar System - Within Our Solar System there is a Sun, and the eight planets that orbit the Sun. The eight planets are categorized into two groups known as Terrestrial planets, and Jovian planets. There are four terrestrial planets in our Solar System: Mercury, Venus Earth and Mars. These Terrestrial planets are located the closest to the Sun. The word terrestrial is derived from the Latin word terra, meaning ground or Earth like. All Terrestrial planets share a common rocky and solid surface. The other four planets: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are Jovian planets.... [tags: terrestrial & Jovian planets] :: 32 Works Cited 1381 words (3.9 pages) Strong Essays [preview]
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Free comets Essays and Papers - 123helpme
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