Marin Voice: Keeping our state beaches clean and healthful – Marin Independent Journal

Cigarettes are one of the most common forms of litter on our beaches, a starter of major wildfires and a poison to our wildlife. However, in a state that raised the smoking age to 21 and has taken major steps to curb smoking, we still allow people to light up on beaches and in our state parks. Smoking is a dangerous habit that results in cancer and toxic pollution.

We have a duty to protect Californians visiting our parks and beaches from the health and environmental consequences of smoking.

The California Legislature has the opportunity to build upon its legacy of taking on Big Tobacco by approving my bill, AB 725, which will prohibit smoking on state beaches and in state parks. Californians are no strangers to the dangers of cigarettes and secondhand smoke.

We have some of the strongest anti-tobacco laws in the nation. In addition to legislative reforms, voters affirmed their stance in 2016 by approving a $2 per-pack tobacco tax increase.

Californias diverse ecosystem is a defining feature of our state. The state is home to abundant wildlife, fertile valleys, majestic peaks, expansive deserts and pristine beaches.

We have taken numerous steps to protect Californians and the environment we live in. We have moved to curb greenhouse gas emissions, nearly eliminate our use of coal and adopted environmental protections that exceed requirements of the federal government.

But there is more to do.

Recently released data from the 2017 International Coastal Cleanup identified cigarettes as the No. 1 litter item collected worldwide. Volunteers recovered over 1.8 million cigarettes, and almost 190,000 of these were collected in California alone. From 1989 to 2013, cigarettes accounted for 37.7 percent of all litter collected on annual coastal cleanup days.

Littered cigarettes on the beach and on park trails are more than just an unsightly nuisance.

While the dangers of secondhand smoke have been well documented, a 2007 study from Stanford University found that, depending on proximity and conditions, exposure to secondhand smoke in an outdoor setting may expose you to air pollution levels that are comparable, on average, to indoor levels.

Littered cigarettes also pose a substantial threat to wildlife and the environment. Burnt cigarettes contain over 4,000 chemicals, and about 50 of these chemicals are carcinogenic.

Cigarette filters never fully decompose and arent biodegradable, allowing them to exist for decades.

When discarded on the ground, toxic chemicals can leach from the cigarette into water and soil, acting as a source point of contamination. Cigarettes are commonly ingested by wildlife that mistake them for food, which can lead to an animal being choked, poisoned or killed.


In addition, cigarettes are one of the primary causes of wildfires, and were the cause of four of the 25 worst wildfires in California between 1929 and 1999. The recent historic drought has forced the state to reconsider how we prepare for and prevent wildfires. A prohibition on smoking in state parks will reduce the potential causes of wildfires, especially in areas with important historical, cultural or ecological value.

Last year, Gov. Jerry Brown vetoed a similar measure. The veto message stated that the provisions were overly broad and punitive.

I have been working with the Department of Parks and Recreation and the governors office to craft a compromise solution that strikes an appropriate balance.

Californians deserve to enjoy outdoor recreation opportunities at our world-class parks and beaches without having to choke on secondhand smoke or dodge littered cigarettes. And, importantly, we can treat Mother Earth a whole lot better.

Marc Levine of Greenbrae has been Marins representative in the state Assembly since 2012. He is a Democrat.

See the original post:

Marin Voice: Keeping our state beaches clean and healthful - Marin Independent Journal

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