Let freedom ring – The Exponent Telegram (press release) (registration)

As our nation prepares to celebrate Independence Day or the extended July Fourth weekend, as the case may be Americans ponder many things about the direction of our country.

We take time to reflect on the incredible insight that our forefathers had in crafting the Constitution of the United States. We marvel at the sacrifices made by the colonists, who formed the first Continental Army of the United States to fight the greatest power in the world at that time the British Empire.

We honor men such as John Adams, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine. Yes, Thomas Paine the author of the pamphlet Common Sense, which served as an inspiration to the average American colonist, explaining why a revolution against the king of England was needed, as well as a vision of what an independent new nation the United States of America would mean for the people.

Paines words accomplished what mere armaments could not, uniting the colonists in ways that the Declaration of Independence attempted to accomplish yet in simpler, more common-sense words. Yes, the pen is mightier than the sword.

George Washington led a rag-tag group of militia to victory in the War of Independence. A patriot by the name of Betsy Ross made our nations first flag. A nation was founded, and democracy was born.

In the 241 years since the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, our nation has faced many trials and tribulations. Each step along the way, the revolution evolved, and our nation has proven that we are truly the land of the free and home of the brave.

The Civil War threatened to separate these United States, with brother fighting against brother. Once again, the fight for freedom prevailed.

From the Emancipation Proclamation, which marked the beginning of the end of the horrible practice of slavery, to womens suffrage, which gave women the right to vote, our democracy has evolved. And it continues to evolve today.

Hundreds of thousands of U.S. servicemen and women have fought to keep our nation free. Two world wars and conflicts in Korea and Vietnam were all fought in the name of freedom and democracy around the globe.

The battle continues today as our nation faces the threat of international terrorism. As a result, democracy and the freedoms that our country were founded upon are under attack.

I am thankful for the freedoms and the rights that we have as American citizens. I am thankful for our democracy, which gives each and every one of us the right to vote. I am thankful for our freedom of speech and our freedom of religion. I am thankful for the freedom of the press and the right to redress government. I am thankful for the right to bear arms. I respect these rights for others and not just to satisfy my own beliefs.

In my faith, I believe that God has blessed these United States of America. We are a nation that was formed on Christian beliefs by men and women who were faithful to the one true God. It is His providence and grace that have provided for us in the toughest of times. From the earliest pilgrims at Plymouth Rock to the hardships of todays difficult economic times God is in control.

Please, as you enjoy this extended holiday weekend celebrating our nations independence, take the time to reflect on the freedoms that we have, the brave souls who have fought and died to protect those freedoms and how each and every one of us can be a better citizen contributing to the nation that we love.

Have a happy and safe Independence Day, one and all!

Andy Kniceley is publisher of NCWV Media products, including The Exponent Telegram.

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Let freedom ring - The Exponent Telegram (press release) (registration)

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