French Nonprofit Partners with Big American Name to Advance a Gene Therapy for Muscular Dystrophy – (blog)

NobleGnthon has teamed up with ignominious Sarepta to develop a gene therapy for the Duchenne variety of the muscle wasting disease.

Dedicated to rare diseases since 1990 and more recently to gene therapy, Gnthon is one of veryfew not-for-profit companies in European biotech. Though it has not yet brought a drug to market, it is well established as a nonprofit, credit for which is due toits creator, the French Muscular Dystrophy Association, AFM Tlthon. The company has nowteamed up with the (in)famous American company, Sarepta, to work on a gene therapy for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD).

DMD first affects the shoulder and upper arm muscles and the muscles of the hips and thighs. (Source:

When I last spoke to Gnthons CEO,Frdric Revah, he told me that while the majority of the companys financial support comes from Tlthon, an increasing amount comes fromsuch partnerships.We get more and more support from industrial partnerships as we outlicense more of our drugs, explains Revah. However, Tlthon will always remain the main source of our funding; the funding from out-licensing is a complement.

But is Sarepta the best partner? While the American biotech can boast about its FDA-approved drug for DMD, Exondys 51, (which is just sold to Gilead for $125M,) this achievement isdubious:not only was the key clinical trial tiny, the FDAadmittedthat patients did not receive aclear benefit fromthe drug in the study. These circumstances prompted arenowned journalist to suefor thedocuments pertaining to the decision, an attack thatSareptas stock into a downward spiral in May.

Nevertheless, under the terms of the partnership agreement,Gnthon will trust Sarepta as a potential co-developer ofits DMD candidates, all of which are preclinical. The French biotechhas been developing amicro-dystrophin gene therapythat has proven itself applicable to the disease. As it countswith Europes largest cGMP vector manufactory, YposKesi, andone of the worlds largest research and clinical groups developing rare disease therapies, Gnthon is an attractive partner for any companies prospecting in the field.

Sareptas pricing practices may also offendthe sensibilities of a nonprofit, since theyraised the hackles of the drug pricing patrol with a plan to charge $300k per year for Exondys 51. According to STAT News, the companysCEO, Edward Kaye, saidthis figure isin the middle of the range for rare disease drugs,and given the sensitivity to pricing, we tried to be reasonable when looking at all the costs.

Though financial details of the agreement have not been disclosed, Gnthon may have enough influence to sway Sareptaaway from gouging.Our main goal is to ensure that patients have access to drugs and that they are affordable. Price should not be an obstacle,Revah told me.

Whatever we do here, we hope to apply the same tech to diseases that affect more people, like sickle cell anemia and cancer,he continued. With a crowded arena of companies like CRISPR Therapeutics, AMO Pharma, andDebiopharmall battling to bring the next DMD drug to market, having a back up plan via a platform seemssensible.

Images via Alila Medical Media, Anatomy Insider /

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French Nonprofit Partners with Big American Name to Advance a Gene Therapy for Muscular Dystrophy - (blog)

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