Activist, Oil-Investing Judge Blocks Drilling Moratorium

An oil sheen covers the surface of Bay Jimmy near Port Sulpher, Louisiana June 20, 2010. The BP oil spill has been called one of the largest environmental disasters in American history. Photo: Sean Gardner

A judge on Tuesday blocked the Obama administration’s ban on deepwater drilling, complicating its efforts to improve the safety of offshore oil operations after the worst spill in U.S. history.

The White House said it would immediately appeal the judge’s ruling, issued in New Orleans. Oil companies involved in offshore drilling operations had challenged the government’s six-month moratorium. — AP

Why not just tell it like it is. The Judge who blocked the offshore drilling moratorium ruled that President Obama had supposedly overstepped his authority when he put a six-month moratorium on new offshore drilling.   (Given all that GW Bush did while King, most of it damaging rather than protecting, it seems like an insane ruling by comparison.

The White House is going to immediately appeal the ruling, as it should. Let’s describe the judge the way Republicans in Congress would describe him if he displeased them: An activist, environment-hating judge who is interested only in his own profits from his oil investments.  He’s man who cares more about his personal investments than about the damage BP’s deep water drilling is doing to our country.

In granting a request by more than a dozen oil services companies for the ban to be overturned, Judge Martin Feldman challenged its “immense scope.” . . . . The court’s decision was a victory for offshore energy producers like BP, Chevron Corp and Royal Dutch Shell. They have been hamstrung by the ban, and are eyeing relocating their giant rigs to other basins like Brazil.

It’s every President’s job to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, but it’s also the President’s job to defend the country itself. The United States is being attacked  by a deluge of BP Oil. There is no disputing that. This is an environmental war to fight for our coastlines, which are part of the sovereign state of the U.S.A. I wish this was the only war we were fighting right now because it’s the most important. Yet an activist judge decided the President of the United States had gone too far. Excuse me, but if protecting our shores and the people who live there isn’t the President’s job, then what the hell is?

It makes no sense, until you understand this Judge’s motives. He owns stock in 17 energy-oil corporations, such as Halliburton, and Transocean.  Eureka.   See some of these below, in information obtained by Think Progress and MSNBC.

Judge Feldman's Income 2008

See all of the oil and BP-related companies that he invests in here.  It’s a long list.  How is that NOT a conflict of interest?  This is a prime example of Big Oil Greed.

And [...]

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