Super Lucky’s Tale brings the virtual reality franchise to Xbox One – Polygon

The charming fox Lucky wont just be trapped on virtual reality headsets anymore, as Super Luckys Tale is coming to the Xbox One this November.

Luckys Tale, developed by Playful, was originally published by Oculus as a launch title for the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset. The platformer aped Nintendo 64-era games with its cheerful design and colorful environments, and also used virtual reality features like head tracking as game mechanics.

Super Luckys Tale looks like it will take those same vivid worlds and puts them on a flat screen. Lucky is attempting to rescue his sister and the Book of Ages artifact from the evil Jinx, according to Playful.

Super Luckys Tale is due out on Nov. 7 for Xbox One and Windows 10.

E3 2017 begins on June 13, with press conferences starting June 10. For the big announcements, make sure to check out our one-stop shop for the show's streams.

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Super Lucky's Tale brings the virtual reality franchise to Xbox One - Polygon

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