Cruz Slams ‘Political Correctness’ After London [VIDEO] | The Daily … – The Daily Caller

During a Monday interview on Fox News, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) slammed tendencies toward political correctness after terrorist attacks, arguing we have to be clear-eyed about the threat we face abroad.

Cruz told Neil Cavuto that he appreciated the Trump administrations hard stance against terrorism.

He addedthat theObama administration was aware of communicationsbetween radicalized agents and people who would go on to commit terror, such as the Boston Marathon bombers and the Fort Hood shooter, but chose not to act on that information.

With terror attack after terror attack the government has had the communications, intercepted the communications, and it knew about the threat before it occurred but the administration was unwilling to act because of fears of political correctness, Cruz claimed.

He also explained how the Department of Homeland Security during the Obama years underwent a purge to alter or delete over 800 records to remove references to radical Islam or the Muslim Brotherhood.

Listen, that doesnt make any sense, he asserted, to be ignoring the red flags we seeweve gotta be clear-eyed about the threat we face abroad to prevent horrific attacks like the ones weve seen in the UK.


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Cruz Slams 'Political Correctness' After London [VIDEO] | The Daily ... - The Daily Caller

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