4 Ways to Control Your Subconscious Mind – wikiHow

Steps Method 1 Practicing Positivity













How can I control negative thoughts?

wikiHow Contributor

Try to remember a good moment in your life. Recall how you felt then and compare it to how you feel now. Try to summon that feeling from your memory. Think of it as though you have just experienced it again.

Is prayer a type of meditation?

wikiHow Contributor

Yes it is. Meditation is basically focusing your brain on a certain thing. If you focus yourself on God/the universe/a higher consciousness/peace, etc., while saying your prayers, then you are meditating,

What are the benefits of controlling the unconscious mind?

wikiHow Contributor

If you control your subconsious mind, you can easily identify your feelings and take control of your life.

How do I start at the beginning?

wikiHow Contributor

Don't think how to start. Simply start in the most comfortable way you feel.

After a relationship breakup, how can I control my thoughts subconsciously to stop thinking about past events, let go of attachments, and avoid going into a negative emotional state?

wikiHow Contributor

The past is gone, the future has not come yet. Live the present moment. Focus on what's going on right now, and engage in activities you enjoy to help distract yourself from negative thought patterns.

Why do I forget my dreams sometimes?

wikiHow Contributor

It is no different than forgetting other new things like musical instruments, new dance forms or new languages. You can train your brain to remember better and make sure that you record your dreams first thing after waking up.

Can these exercises also enhance mental and physical performance?

wikiHow Contributor

They can do, yes. You are creating a belief system that will help you to progress towards your goals. Thus, if your goal is to improve something involving physical or mental performance, the exercises may take you there.

How do I identify positive thoughts?

wikiHow Contributor

Think of the things that stress you out/make you feel unhappy. Then think the opposite of those thoughts, like "I can do it" or " I will succeed".

What are the mental and physical effects of dreams or nightmares?

wikiHow Contributor

Dreams and nightmares are thought to have a number of benefits for the mind and brain. Bad dreams are a way for your brain to practice dealing with difficult and emotional situations so that you are better prepared to face problems and challenges in real life. You will always have some of these, whether you remember them or not. However, the more stressed, afraid, or otherwise agitated you are, the more likely they are to increase in frequency and intensity. They should help keep you strong mentally. Good dreams, meanwhile, have benefits similar to daydreaming - they make you feel good and they enhance creativity/imagination. Dreams don't have any physical effects beyond helping keep your brain chemistry in check. If you find that, for example, you look or feel worse when you have nightmares, it's not caused by the nightmares - it's more likely that you're just in a poor mental and/or physical state, which is causing both the nightmares and the physical symptoms.

Why do I sometimes have negative thoughts about the future?

wikiHow Contributor

It's natural to have worries and fears about the future. Just don't let them control you or stop you from pursuing your goals.

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Categories: Improving Mental Abilities

In other languages:

Franais:contrler votre subconscient,Italiano:Controllare il proprio Subconscio,Espaol:controlar el subconsciente,Deutsch:Das Unterbewusstsein kontrollieren,Portugus:Controlar Sua Mente Subconsciente,Nederlands:Je onderbewuste gebruiken en beheersen,: ,:,Bahasa Indonesia:Mengendalikan Pikiran Bawah Sadar Anda,: ,:

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