Mainstream Media finally reporting on Palin’s Pro-Pot remarks

From the Editor:

We reported on Sarah Palin's moderately pro-marijuana remarks, here at Libertarian Republican, hours after the video first appeared. We noticed the enormous importance of the comments. A Google search immediately after the article posted, showed not a single other blog or mainstream media had even mentioned the Palin remarks. Now four days later CBS News, and Politico are covering it. And no hat tip to LR.

From CBS:

That's right, pot smokers: You have something of an ally in Sarah Palin.

The former Alaska governor appeared on Fox Business Network last night, along with libertarian-leaning Republican Rep. Ron Paul. Paul is a longtime advocate of decriminalizing drugs

If we're talking about pot, I'm not for the legalization of pot," Palin said, as Politico first noted. "I think that would just encourage especially our young people to think that it was OK to just go ahead and use it."

But she went on to say that police should not focus on arresting people who use marijuana recreationally....

Palin has admitted to smoking when it was legal for personal use in Alaska...

Politico headlines:

"Sarah Palin: Marijuana is a 'minimal problem'"

Meanwhile, our friends at are claiming credit for having launched the story. From AllahPundit:

I’m surprised that one of my dopey posts was able to push Sarahcuda’s take on weed out to big news outfits like Politico and CBS. What makes me think they got it from Hot Air? Well, both sites claimed in their write-ups that Palin had made her remarks on Wednesday night — but that’s simply not true. We posted it last night, but her appearance on Judge Napolitano’s show actually happened a few days ago.

Yet HotAir published the remarks a full two days after Libertarian Republican.

For the record, we posted the article "Sarah Palin on Marijuana use: Law Enforcement has other priorities" at 5:09 am, Sunday, June 13.

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