News 12 Upgrades Newsroom Automation With Grass Valley Ignite – Sports Video Group

Providing 24-hour news coverage to cable viewers in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, News 12 operates seven distinct local channels as well as an interactive network of websites and mobile applications. The demands for productivity in a 24-hour news environment are intense, so the group leverages automation solutions to maximize its operation and improve efficiency. Launched more than 30 years ago, News 12 has been using automation solutions fromGrass Valley, a Belden Brand, from the beginning. As the News 12 team looked to upgrade the studio automation system, they carefully evaluated all the options on the market and determined that the latest Grass ValleyIgnite Automated Production Systemwith theKayenne K-Frame Video Production Centerswitcher addressed more of their requirements for workflow, hands-on operation and on-air effects/transitions.

We were the first station in the country to use the automation system that preceded Ignite, so Grass Valley has been an important part of our success over the years, saysMilan Krainchich, VP of operations, News 12 Networks. The Ignite system is capable of cutting live news as well as freeform breaking news for an extended period of time, which is extremely important to us. Our operators value that they can tailor the workflow in a way that works best for them.

Ignite is designed as the industrys first and most complete link between the control room and the newsroom, providing an unmatched return on investment with single-operator capabilities. It allows a single operator to manage control room devices used to produce live newscasts and event programming, making it possible to control on-air timing, accommodate last-minute show changes and direct any type of production on the fly. It also makes it easier to repurpose content for digital multicasting and webcasts, increasing overall production value.

News 12 uses Ignite to control six cameras in its studio connected through a Kayenne K-Frame switcher. The integrated approach was an important consideration in the upgrade, and theIgnite Katalyst control panelis a critical and unique component of the workflow. An essential component for unscripted and breaking news productions, the purpose-built tactile surface of the Katalyst panel enables directors to produce compelling live productions with Ignite. Another important new component is the Media Object Portal (MOP) Gatewayone of the most advanced newsroom control system portals ever developed. The MOP Gateway provides visibility from Ignite into the control system that details what has changed and where that change is in the rundown and alerts the director if there are conflicts that require attention.

The way the whole system comes together, including integration with ENPS and other devices, is one of the biggest benefits for us, says Krainchich.Also, we appreciate having choices over control surfaces while being able to operate the system on air with a standard keyboard or with the Katalyst dedicated control panel, but not requiring a full switcher control panel and audio mixing console. Its the right solution for us.

News delivery has changed a lot over the years, but the value of automation has remained consistent. Ignite has been delivering that value to users around the world for years. News 12 is a perfect example of an operation that embraces technology to strengthen its own business while providing an outstanding experience for its viewers. The latest upgrade positions News 12 to continue its success for years to come, says Kyle Luther, vice president of sales for North America, Grass Valley.

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News 12 Upgrades Newsroom Automation With Grass Valley Ignite - Sports Video Group

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