French Polynesia signs agreement for Floating Island Project –

The French Polynesian government, earlier this year, officially signed an agreement with The Seasteading Institute to cooperate on creating legal framework to allow for the development of The Floating Island Project. The legislation will give the Floating Island Project it's own special governing framework creating an innovative special economic zone.

Last year, French Polynesian President Edouard Fritch invited an international delegation from The Seasteading Institute to examine several potential sites near the French Polynesian islands of Tahiti, Tupai, and Raiatea. The team met personally with Teva Rohfristch, minister for economic recovery, the blue economy, and digital policy; Sylviane Terooatea, mayor of Raiatea, and Gaston Tong Sang, former president and mayor of Bora Bora and Tupai.

The Seasteading Institute and the government of French Polynesia will draw from the best practices of more than 4000 existing special economic zones around the world to create a special economic seazone, said Hencken. The seazone will combine the advantages of French Polynesias geopolitical location with unique regulatory opportunities specifically designed to attract investors.

Seasteading investors will self-fund the initial studies and the construction of the floating islands. The pilot project is expected to cost between $10m and $50m.

Our sustainable modular platforms are designed by the Dutch engineering firm Blue21, who showcased their engineering ingenuity with the famed Floating Pavilion in Rotterdam, said Joe Quirk, co-author with Patri Friedman of the book, Seasteading: How Ocean Cities Will Change the World, to be published in March.

From left: Egor Ryjikov, Thierry Nhunfat, Joe Quirk, Karina Czapiewska, Randolph Hencken, Jean Christophe Bouissou, Montgomery Kosma, Suzanne Dokupil, Greg Delaune, Marc Collins, Michel Monvoisin, Chris Muglia, and Nicolas Germineau

Blue Frontiers will create new clean-tech and blue economy jobs that will attract both international and local investment. We need to create new clean-tech and blue economy jobs for our youth, and this project has the potential to be a real game-changer locally, Collins said. This project could help us retain our bright minds, who would otherwise emigrate for work.

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French Polynesia signs agreement for Floating Island Project -

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