Supergirl's second season has brought with it many big changes, and Martian Manhunter has been impacted as much as any character. So far this season we've seen see J'onn relocate the DEO, form a bond with fellow Martian refugee M'gann M'orrz and comes to terms with his inner demons after discovering that M'gann is actually a White Martian. Actor David Harewood has even been pulling double duty, as he's also been playing the vengeful Hank Henshaw, now reborn as Cyborg Superman.
It's been an eventful season for Harewood, and that won't change as the series gears up for more Martian-focused conflicts. We recently had the chance to chat with Harewood about J'onn's evolving role on the show, the challenge of playing two vastly different versions of the same character and what to expect from the upcoming Flash/Supergirl musical crossover. Martian Manhunter may not have been able to join in on the fun in Invasion, but fans will soon get to see him stand side-by-side with Barry Allen.
Melissa Benoist as Supergirl and David Harewood as J'onn J'onzz.
IGN: There have been a lot of changes so far this season, both in terms of the move to Vancouver and the changing role of J'onn and the DEO on the show. Are you happy with those changes so far?
Harewood: Yeah, I mean, the move to Vancouver was a pretty big one. It's gorgeous. I think I miss the climate of Los Angeles, very much so, but I think the actual move has benefited the show. We're stronger. The show seems to have found more of an identity. I'm very happy about that. Playing J'onn, it's definitely benefited me.
IGN: Looking back at the first half of the season, it seems like we're getting to see J'onn in his Martian form a lot more this year. Does that make your job more difficult, just with the added special effects work?
Harewood: No, no. I want to see the green guy more, myself. I think it's great to show those elements of him, especially since there became fewer and fewer of them last season. It's difficult because I'm playing somebody who I'm not through the use of CG. It's can be a little bit of a frustrating character to play because it's never quite who you are, if you know what I mean. But I love putting on the costume. That never really gets old. I would like to see him in his Martian form a lot more. It's brilliant - what they're doing is amazing - but it's still difficult to get emotion into that character because of the CG performance. What they tend to do is when you want there to be real emotions, it has to be the actor. With the image, it can be the CG guy. So it's pretty much up to them.
IGN: One of the other big developments recently was the return of the real Hank Henshaw. Has it been a challenge playing two versions of this same character?
Harewood: Not really a challenge, because one has much more darkness. I'm enjoying that element and being darker. It's strayed a little bit from the comic book. There really isn't much information on Cyborg Superman, Hank. Why is he called Cyborg Superman? There are still some holes there as a character that I'm not quite sure about. I try not to ask myself anything deep or meaningful, and I just try to get one with it and just play what's on the page and don't ask any questions.
IGN: In your mind, why do you think he takes the name Cyborg Superman? Doe he have a fixation on Superman as he makes his return?
Harewood: I know the story behind the comic books. Obviously, that's not necessarily the story being told on Supergirl. Like I said, I'm just playing the old Hank Henshaw that's been genetically enhanced. I'm not really asking myself too many questions about the mythology, because I think the mythology is a lot more complex than we can get into in our show. It's probably for the best that we read what's on the page and I make my acting choices based on what's on the page rather than what's in the mythology, because the mythology is different. That could cause me some difficulty if Ifollow the comics, so I'm just trying to to read what's on the page and keep all those questions and stuff like that buttoned up as much as I can. They lead to more questions which can unravel what you're doing.
IGN: The other day you tweeted out a new image of Martian Manhunter and Supergirl with the tagline "The Martian Chronicles." Is this the start of a big ongoing story for J'onn?
Harewood: It's more about Mars and the idea of what happened there. Now the White Martians know where M'gann is and want to make her pay for her crimes. She killed three guards to help a Green Martian escape. There are White Martians descending upon Earth to capture her and bring her back to face justice. J'onn puts himself on the line to protect M'Gann. That's where "The Martian Chronicles" comes in. It might cross over into the following week, too, but it's mainly next week's episode. It's centered very much on these invaders from Mars and how they're affecting J'onn and M'gann.
IGN: Looking at that episode, it seems like there's a strong horror movie vibe to it, with everyone being locked in the base and not knowing who's real and who's an impostor. Would you say there's a horror movie quality to this one?
Harewood: Yeah. This episode was great fun to shoot. As you say, you don't know who's who. These White Martians can impersonate anybody. There's some real comedic moments, and there's some pretty tense moments. It's one of those "edge of your seat" episodes where you just don't quite know what's going on or what's around the next corner. I think people will enjoy it.
IGN: Watching last night's episode "We Can Be Heroes," I was really impressed with your subplot and J'onn's struggle to move past his hatred of White Martians and show empathy for M'gann. Was that mind-melding scene a challenge for you , just in terms of the emotions at play?
Harewood: It's great working with Sharon Leal. She's a fantastic actress. This whole storyline has given me other colors to play and other things to do than just be the grumpy dad/boss. It's a chance to be vulnerable and to show empathy. I've really enjoyed that. It's been a challenge, but I welcome that. With the one scene back on Mars, I think that was perhaps the first time that J'onn could see how much pain M'gann had caused herself by disobeying her own race. She wanted to protect the Green Martians, and I think that's forced J'onn, as you said, to look at himself and question why he's holding such hatred for a race of beings when there was, in fact, some good in them and amongst them. That was a real revelation for J'onn to know that there are good White Martians and that they're not all awful and terrible. There are good ones among them, and it really forces him to evaluate the level of his own prejudice and his hatred.
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IGN: All the CW shows had their big crossover last December, and obviously J'onn didn't get a chance to really participate in the crossover, but it sounds like you do have a role in the upcoming Flash/Supergirl musical crossover. Is there anything you can tease about that?
Harewood: I'm really excited about that. I won't be getting any good dance numbers, but I think fans will be excited to see J'onn J'onnz and the Flash in the same program. I'm certainly excited to work with Grant [Gustin]. He's a great guy, and I was disappointed not to make the crossover last time. So I'm very, very excited to be popping up on his show. I know how popular it is, and it should be fun. It's a good script.
Jesse is a mild-mannered writer for IGN. Allow him to lend a machete to your intellectual thicket by following @jschedeen on Twitter, or Kicksplode on MyIGN.
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Supergirl: David Harewood on Playing Martian Manhunter and Cyborg Superman - IGN
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