Los Angeles Astronomical Society – Night Sky Network

The Los Angeles Astronomical Society (LAAS) has over 500 dedicated members who share a passionate interest in Astronomy andAstro Photography. Their ages range from children to adults with skills ranging from beginners to professionals in the fields of Astronomy and Space Science. Our members are helpful and enjoy teaching others about telescopes and how to use them. Our society offers the following:

Public Star Parties: Every month, hosted at the Griffith Observatory, LAAS members come from all parts of Los Angeles county to show the public the wonders of the night.

Dark Sky Site: For members and guests only. This special once a month activity allows our LAAS members a place to escape from the LA lights to darker territory where the bigger LAAS scopes, such as the 16 inch Newtonian and the 31 inch Clyde-O-Scope are used for observing. We also host Family Nights in the warmer monthswhen club members bring their families and friendsalong to enjoy a night of dark sky observation and even camp outunder the stars.

If you would like our members to bring telescopes to your school, please click on "Request An Event" above and complete the form that opens. Make sure you follow any instructions at the bottom of the form. Then click "Submit" to send us the form. Look through our calendar of events and make sure that the date you choose is available.

Mirror and Telescope Making: Extensive teaching and tools are available to help you build your very own telescope at the Garvey Ranch Observatory/Workshop. These classes are free to the public.

We encourageallyouth groups and Boy or Girl Scout troopsin Los Angeles County to join us for an evening of astronomy. Call: 213-673-7355 for info.

LAAS Library: Our library of books and magazines is available to members and to a limited extent, the public. We have afine source of booksrelated to astronomy from telescope making to supernovas.


If you wish to register on the Night Sky Network (NSN), you MUST be a current member of the LAAS. Please do NOT complete a registration form if you are NOT a current member. Once your membership has been approved by our Board of Directors, you will receive an email from a club coordinator asking you to complete the registration form. If you are NOT a current member, your registration information will be deleted. You are welcome to explore the Night Sky Network and use many of the resources available for the public without being a registered member. If you have any questions, please write to Coordinator@LAAS.org for further information.

Filming the LAAS - Please contact Club President, Geo Somoza atgeovanni_somoza@hotmail.com.


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Los Angeles Astronomical Society - Night Sky Network

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