Libertarian Party UK | Libertarianism in the UK

It is useful to post here and on the party facebook page an explanation of what we are about and how we work as our membership is growing.

The Libertarian Party UK is one of three Libertarian Parties in the United Kingdom.

The Libertarian Party UK covers England, Wales and Kernow. The Scottish Libertarian Party covers Scotland The Libertarian Party Northern Ireland

The first two are distinctly different entities, are registered separately with the Electoral Commission and have a cooperation agreement, both are founder members of the International Alliance of Libertarian Parties.

The LPNI is a separate entity for reasons of Electoral Law

As with all registered Parties we are bound by the following Acts Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000 (PPERA) The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA)

The statutory fines for transgressions of the above Acts are severe and heavy.

We also are required to be aware of all legal judgements that govern our activities. In June of 2015 the European Court of Justice made a judgement that the owners of websites and social media are responsible in Law for the content of any third party content or comment that is defamatory, libellous and/or untrue.

Therefore we are occasionally required to delete comments that use bad language or fall under the ECJ. We will also delete any third party comment that advocates violence as it contravenes the Non Agression Principle. (NAP)

There are two registered symbols for the LP-UK, both based on the Gryphon.

See the rest here:

Libertarian Party UK | Libertarianism in the UK

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