New Poll: Big Majority in Michigan support the Tea Party

Parties on the Right favored over Parties on the Left

From Eric Dondero:

A clear majority of poll respondents In Michigan favor the Tea Party. WXYZ ABC TV Detroit – Detroit Free Press, contracted with Lansing-based Epic MRA. Over 600 Michiganders were surveyed.

According to WXYZ:

When asked if they support the Tea Party movement, 4 in 10 voters say yes. Among political parties, 65 percent of Democrats oppose the Tea Party, 72 percent of Republicans support it, and Independents are split.

Here are the actual numbers:

Based on what you know or have heard or read about the Tea Party movement, do you support the Tea Party movement and what it stands for, or oppose it?

40% Support
12% Neither support or oppose Tea Party movement
33% Oppose
15% Undecided/Don’t know/Refused

Libertarian Party way above Green Party in support

Another interesting poll finding:

Thinking about the following political parties and groups that are getting involved in political issues these days, which group best reflects your views?

36% The Democratic Party
24% The Republican Party
17% The Tea Party movement
3% The Green Party
8% The Libertarian Party
4% Some other group
8% Undecided/Don’t know/Refused

Though, not being reported as such, Parties on the Right have a clear advantage over those on the Left. Republican, Libertarian and Tea Party equals 49% support. Parties on the Left: Green Party and Democratic Party equals 39%.

Clearly, this is a good sign for Michigan Republicans heading into November. There is no Tea Party political Party in Michigan. Taken together, TP-GOP support comes to 41% over Dems' 24%. The Libertarian Party is fielding a number of candidates for statewide and local offices. Though, the vast majority of LP supporters tend to break Republican in elections.

A recent sampling of Republican vs. Democrat match-ups show the GOP comfortably ahead in the Governors race. Epic/MRA Via Hedgehog:

Pete Hoekstra (R) 47%
Virg Bernero (D) 34%

Rick Snyder (R) 51%
Virg Bernero (D) 28%

Pete Hoekstra (R) 47%
Andy Dillon (D) 35%

Rick Snyder (R) 50%
Andy Dillon (D) 31%

(H/t IPR)

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