Georgia Tea Party Republican for Congress: Government should just run the Army, maintain Waterways, and keep our Borders secure

"a strong libertarian bent"

Tom Parrot is running for Congress in Georgia's 7th CD. He is an Air Force Veteran, and a CPA. He's a straight shooter:

At the core of our success as a nation is our commitment to freedom. In running for this office, I am fighting for the preservation of the Constitution because I understand the need to defend the Freedoms and Rights given to all Americans.

Parrot was highlighted by the Seattle Times, in an article on anti-incumbent Republicans running in 2010 - "About 2,300 running for Congress, most in decades":

"I guess it's a mild form of civil unrest," said Tom Parrott, a 59-year-old accountant who is making his first run for office as one of nine candidates in central Georgia's 7th Congressional District race. "I'm willing to spend 30 or 40 grand of my own money to get the chance to speak to people and maybe get my point across that we're really, really in trouble."

Parrott, who is running as a Republican and identifies with the tea party, said he has a strong libertarian bent. Obama's health-care law was the "straw that broke the camel's back" in his decision to run, he said.

"I'm not a wacko," he said. "I just think the government would be better if they just butt out and do the things they're supposed to do like running an army and maintaining waterways and keeping our borders safe."

Parrot is libertarian right down the line, most especially Military/Defense. From his campaign website:

Strong national defense - History shows that every time this nation has lost its strong military resolve, it has provoked attacks against our nation.

I will never forget December 7, 1941, and I will never forget September 11, 2001. If we attempt to appease those who attack us, we only invite more attacks.

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