Facebooks Scrapbook lets parents tag kid pics

Nate Swanner

If a child is under 13, they arent allowed an official place on Facebook. Thats meant to protect them from less than savory characters, but can prove difficult for parents who want to upload pics and tag their kids. A Facebook study showed up to 65% of parents simply tag their partners when uploading a pic of their child, which in turn allows a wider audience of friends to view the pics. With that in mind, Facebook created Scrapbook, which allows parents to track photos of kids not yet on Facebook.

The way Scrapbook works is as simple as it sounds. Take photos, upload them to the scrapbook, and thats that. Youll soon be able to invite others to view the scrapbook, too.

Scrapbooks can have shared ownership, and the tags are customizable. If you call your child Junior instead of by its given name, tag the scrapbook Junior or JR, or whatever you like. Owners of the scrapbook choose which photos get tagged, and only they choose which photos are tagged for the album.

To start a scrapbook, head into your profile, click About, and select the Family and Relationships section. Scrapbook invites are there waiting for you.

Scrapbooks are currently US-only, and available for the desktop, Android, and iOS. Its currently a pilot program, so expect more updates to roll out incrementally as Facebook learns just how their users take advantage of the feature.

Source: Facebook


Facebooks Scrapbook lets parents tag kid pics

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