JKH partners Colombo Unis HGU to sequence rice variety genome

The Human Genetics Unit (HGU) of the Colombo Medicine Faculty together with John Keells Research (JKR), a unit established by John Keells Holdings to carryout futuristic scientific research, announced the successful sequencing of the entire genome of goda vee - an indigenous rice variety. This is the first time that such a feat in the field of science was achieved within the country in Sri Lanka.

Sequencing of goda vee was done in the only genome sequencing facility in Sri Lanka located at the HGU. Prof. Vajira H. W. Dissanayake, a member of the National Biotechnology Council of the Coordinating Secretariat for Science Technology and Innovation (COSTI) as well as the Biotechnology Committee of the National Science Foundation (NSF) said this is a unique milestone in the annals of science and technology in Sri Lanka.

We have proved that Sri Lanka now has the capability to protect and preserve our biodiversity within the country. This will also open opportunities for Sri Lanka to build a new wave of scientific enterprise based on local knowledge and innovation creating wealth for the country. That would in turn create new job opportunities for Sri Lankan science graduates, most of whom now leave the country or leave science and join other fields due to lack of scientific jobs.

John Keells Research Head Dr. Muditha D. Senarath Yapa said JKR is proud to be a part of this nationally important milestone which opens the door to many futuristic commercial applications. This proves the ability of Sri Lankan scientists to carryout groundbreaking research which can contribute to national development.


JKH partners Colombo Unis HGU to sequence rice variety genome

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