Freedom camping restricted

The freedom camping site at Collins Memorial Reserve on SH1 in Koromiko between Picton and Blenheim could be scrapped.

The controversial freedom camping spot at Koromiko, between Blenheim and Picton, could be scrapped under draft proposals by the Marlborough District Council.

It follows a four-month summer trial which increased the number of restricted freedom camping sites in Marlborough.

At a meeting of the council's assets and services committee on Tuesday the council rubber stamped a draft plan where freedom camping is prohibited or restricted.

The council proposed no freedom camping at Collins Memorial Reserve in Koromiko and along Freeths Rd in Koromiko, Picton foreshore, Bluegum Reserve in Rarangi and Penzance jetty car park and on Kamhi Rd.

Freedom camping could also be banned on Tunnicliff Reserve, The Parade Esplanade Reserve and Okiwi Bay Reserve, in Okiwi Bay and Seddon Domain.

However, freedom camping with restrictions is proposed at Blenheim's A&P Park, Picton's Waitohi Domain, the Blenheim Railway Station and Blenheim's Wynen St car park.

The draft will go out to public consultation and submissions will be heard at a hearing.

Council reserves and amenities manager Rosie Bartlett said more people were using non-self-contained vehicles.

Marlborough wanted to be seen as welcoming toward freedom campers in a way that didn't interfere with the community or cause damage to the environment, Bartlett said.

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Freedom camping restricted

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