Scientists control the flight of cyborg beetles for the first time

Giant flower beetles were fitted with radio transmitters so scientists could make them take off, land, hover and turn left and right in the air Technology could lead to the insects being used as surveillance drones In the short-term it's letresearcherslearn more about the insect's muscles Engineers found that a muscle in the articulation of insect wings, plays a key function in the beetle's ability to steer left or right

By Sarah Griffiths for MailOnline

Published: 06:24 EST, 17 March 2015 | Updated: 06:56 EST, 17 March 2015



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Engineers may have already created cyborg cockroaches, but now they have fitted beetles with radio transmitter backpacks, which enable them to control the flight of insects in mid-air for the first time.

Researchers were able to make the beetles take off and land, as well as hover in mid-air and turn left and right on a whim.

The technology could eventually lead to the insects being used as surveillance drones in disaster areas.

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Scientists control the flight of cyborg beetles for the first time

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