MAJOR NEWS!! Nikki Haley – endorsed by Palin – pulls into the lead


From Eric Dondero:

On Sunday we wrote here at Libertarian Republican:

Republican sweetheart Sarah Palin made a swing through South Carolina on Friday in support of libertarian-leaning State Rep. Nikki Haley for Governor. Haley early on, showed an economic libertarian streak as a budget cutter in line with Gov. Mark Sanford. (Haley had been a staunch supporter of Sanford in his earlier campaigns.)

Haley has been particularly critical of some of her GOP primary opponents for their past support of bail-outs and the introduction of new revenue sources such as VAT. In response, she's caught criticism herself for her strident libertarian views.

In an article on the Palin endorsement, the local Greenville newspaper described Nikki Haley as from the “Sanford-libertarian wing of the party.”

And now, post-Palin endorsement, Haley has pulled into the lead. From Rasmussen:

With South Carolina’s Republican Primary for Governor less than three weeks away, State Representative Nikki Haley, coming off a fresh endorsement by Sarah Palin, now leads the GOP pack.

A new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Republican Primary voters shows Haley earning 30% support. She’s followed by State Attorney General Henry McMaster who picks up 19% and Congressman Gresham Barrett with 17%. Lieutenant Governor Andre Bauer captures 12% of the vote.

Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate in the race, but nearly one-in-five potential primary voters (18%) remain undecided.

(H/t Memeo)

Editor's Note - Thanks to Karen Green of Illinois for assisting with this article.

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