NR’s Rich Lowry declares libertarian Republicans truest of the true GOPers

From Eric Dondero:

Well, fellow Libertarian Republicans, if this doesn't tell you we've arrived, I'm not sure what would. Rich Lowry is the longtime Senior Political Editor for the icon of the Right publication National Review. In The Corner blog, reviewing the results from Tuesday, Lowry gave a ringing endorsement for Rand Paul's victory. And in doing so, gave a whopper of a compliment to the libertarian wing of the GOP. From NR:

Rand Paul's victory is another sign that there's a roiling, libertarian revolt within the GOP that is likely to fuel an out-of-nowhere Dean-style "Republican-wing of the Republican party" candidate for 2012.

In other words, we libertarian Republicans are the real Republicans. We're what every Republican in their hearts aspires to be.

Thanks Rich. We'll take it.

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