The Switchboard: Judge sides with NSA in warrantless search case

Published every weekday, the Switchboard is your morning helping of hand-picked stories from the Switch team.

Judge rules for NSA in warrantless search case. Privacy advocates suffered a major setback Tuesday when a Judge sided with the National Security Agency in the long-running Jewel v. NSA case. "U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White in Oakland, California wrote the plaintiffs failed to establish legal standing to pursue a claim that the government violated the Fourth Amendment," reported Dan Levine at Reuters.

Apple is building a massive solar farm in California. "Apple chief executive Tim Cook said Tuesday that the company is taking on an ambitious project: an enormous solar farm that will provide enough power for all of the company's corporate offices, California stores, its forthcoming campus and more," reports the Switch's Hayley Tsukayama.

Uh-oh: Jeb Bushs transparency effort also exposed Florida residents personal data. Florida man Jeb Bush's bid for transparency went awry when he released more than 4 gigabytes of constituent email from his time as governor -- without redacting personal information, the Switch's Brian Fung noted.

NSA claims Iran learned from Western cyberattacks.Over at the Intercept, Glenn Greenwald reports on a newly revealed Snowden document showing that the National Security Agency claimed that cyberattacks against Iran were actually helping Tehran prepare its own offensive capabilities.

Forbes Web site was compromised by Chinese cyberespionage group, researchers say. For three days last year, the "Thought of the Day" feature on Forbeswasn't just annoying, it was dangerous -- a Chinese cyberespionage group compromised it, using it as part of a watering hole attack that targeted those in the financial and defense industry, researchers told the Switch.

Want more? Follow@TheSwitchand our reporters --@kansasalps,@b_fungand@htsuka-- for the latest tech news throughout the day.

Andrea Peterson covers technology policy for The Washington Post, with an emphasis on cybersecurity, consumer privacy, transparency, surveillance and open government.

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The Switchboard: Judge sides with NSA in warrantless search case

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