Rand Paul rally day before Primary Election – Paducah, Kentucky

by Eric Dondero

I attended Rand Paul's rally for US Senate in Paducah, Kentucky today. I was there to both cover the event, and to show support for Rand's effort from the libertarian wing of the GOP. About 70 Rand Paul supporters were also there to cheer him on. The audience was varied with conservatives, libertarians, independents and even a few interested Democrats sprinkled in.

Paducah is in far Western KY, right on the border with Illinois. The weather was on and off light rain. But Paul gave a good speech despite the weather, emphasizing that his campaign was a "Tea Party effort."

We will have a full report tomorrow morning on the event, as well as a number of exclusive photos.

The primary is tomorrow. Latest polls show Paul comfortably ahead of his primary opponent Trey Grayson. It will be an exciting day tomorrow for libertarian Republicans across the Nation waiting on the returns.

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