Libertarian writer for Reason a near victim of Times Square bomber Faisal Shahzad

Calls the failed bomber a "Muslim Dirtbag"

From Eric Dondero:

Frequent Contributor to Reason Mark Goldblatt penned a piece titled "The Poet Versus the Prophet: On standing up to totalitarian Islam" in the latest Hit&Run blog. Goldblatt is refreshingly blunt on the dangers of Radical Islam, and the threats the ideology poses to Free Speech.

I’ve had a couple of weeks now to think about Ginsberg cursing out that cabbie, and cursing out Islam and Muhammad. You see, I live in Manhattan, three blocks from Times Square. As near as I can determine, I was walking with a friend about thirty feet from the car bomb on May 1st right around the time it was supposed to detonate. Except for the technical incompetence of a Muslim dirtbag named Faisal Shahzad, I and my friend would likely be dead now. Note the phrase: “Muslim dirtbag.” Neither term by itself accounts for the terrorist act he attempted to perpetrate; both terms, however, are equally complicit in it. It might have been a crapshoot of nature and nurture that wrought a specimen like Shahzad, but it was Islam that inspired him, that gave his fecal stain of a life its depth and its justification. Why is that so difficult to admit?

Muhammed as a Cockroach

Goldblatt goes on to write:

Let me ask the question another way: Where’s the rage? If Islam justifies, or is understood by millions of Muslims to justify, setting off a bomb in Times Square, then I shit on Islam.

Reason has over the years had a reputation of being on the leftside of the libertarian movement. They mercilessly bashed President George W. Bush on virtually all fronts, and were highly critical of the War in Iraq.

Something's changed. There is a noticable difference in the editorial leadership of the magazine/on-line version these days. In short, Editor Nick Gillespie and most of the writers, now get it. They recently wrote in defense of South Park Cartoonists Trey Parker and Matt Stone. And now they've bravely published this hardcore piece by Goldblatt.

We on the Libertarian Right most assuredly welcome this shift from our friends at Reason. It may have taken threats to the lives of Reason friends Parker and Stone. And now a near miss on the life of one of their very own writers. But it's a welcome shift, none-the-less.

Photo of Goldblatt's new book, with a cockroach on the cover, which Reason editors note is a representation of "The Prophet" Muhammed. You can purchase the book off of

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