Space Foundation Statement on President's Proposed NASA Budget

Washington, D.C.,(Feb. 2, 2015) -- The Space Foundation today said it supports President Obama's FY2016 budget request for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). That request, released today, calls for a FY2016 top line budget of $18.5 billion for the nation's space agency -- a $519 million increase over what Congress approved for the current fiscal year.

"The President's request is a move in the right direction," said Space Foundation Chief Executive Officer Elliot Pulham.

"The U.S. investment in NASA is a strategic investment in the future -- one that fuels our technology base, our global economic competitiveness, and our ability to lead international partnerships," Pulham said."In that context, we believe the NASA budget can, and should, continue to grow.The President's FY2016 budget request preserves International Space Station operations through 2024, increases NASA science programs by $43 million to $5.29 billion, keeps the SLS-Orion program on track to provide capabilities for human exploration beyond low earth orbit, and preserves a space technology budget of $724.8 million.

"The proposed budget also includes a credible aeronautics program, funded at $571.4 million," Pulham said, "and, very importantly, it keeps commercial crew transport programs on track with $1.2 billion in funding toward a competitive, two-supplier system that will return America to human spaceflight operations in just two years' time."

About the Space Foundation Founded in 1983, the Space Foundation is the foremost advocate for all sectors of space, and is a global, nonprofit leader in space awareness activities, educational programs and major industry events, including the annualSpace Symposium, in support of its mission "to advance space-related endeavors to inspire, enable and propel humanity." Space Foundation World Headquarters in Colorado Springs, Colo., USA, has a publicDiscovery Center, includingEl Pomar Space Gallery,Northrop Grumman Science Center featuring Science On a Sphere and the Lockheed Martin Space Education Center.The Space Foundation has a field office in Houston, and conducts government affairs from its Washington, D.C., office.It annually publishesThe Space Report: The Authoritative Guide to Global Space Activity,andthrough itsSpace CertificationandSpace Technology Hall of Fame programs,recognizes space-basedinnovations that have been adapted to improve life on Earth., follow us onFacebook,Instagram,LinkedIn,Pinterest,TwitterandYouTube,and read our e-newsletterSpace Watch.

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Space Foundation Statement on President's Proposed NASA Budget

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