Wash Post Hits Cuccinelli Once Again | The Intersection

UVA is filing an extension in response to Cuccinelli's egregious request--but it should be fighting back in court, writes the paper:
Mr. Cuccinelli, apparently, speculates that Mr. Mann defrauded taxpayers by obtaining research grants to study global temperatures. It's clear from his statements that the "Climategate" controversy -- in which hackers stole records of e-mails between climate researchers that global warming skeptics then distorted -- inspired his witch hunt. Is there any doubt that the attorney general is trying to restoke that row with a fresh batch of e-mails?
In the process, he would deal grave harm to scientific inquiry throughout Virginia's public higher education system. Science progresses when researchers can propose ideas freely, differ in their methods and argue about the interpretations of their results. The commonwealth should nurture that process, not make scientists fear that they will be subject to investigation if a politician dislikes their conclusions. There comes a time when one has to stand up to bullying tactics--not to mention fundamental assaults on the ability of scientists to do their work. This is one of those times. UVA needs to stand up and be counted in defense of reason.

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