New lives of the girls in Prince Andrew sex claim row

Sarah Kellen and Nadia Marchinova given immunity from prosecution Pleaded right to silence when asked if Andrew had sex with teenage girls Have now been reinvented as Sarah Kensington, 34 and Nadia Marcinko, 29 Ms Kensington renovates corporate apartments and dates a racing driver Miss Marcinko is chief executive of Aviloop, which sells discounted flights Both operate from 1.5m addresses in building owned by Epstein's brother Jeffrey Epstein, 61, allegedly made huge efforts to look after those who kept quiet about his crimes

By Sam Greenhill In Florida and Daniel Bates In New York For The Daily Mail

Published: 20:50 EST, 7 January 2015 | Updated: 03:55 EST, 8 January 2015

They were the glamorous Jeffrey Epstein aides who refused to testify about Prince Andrews visits to the House of Sin.

Sarah Kellen and Nadia Marchinova both pleaded their right to silence under the US Fifth Amendment when asked if the royal had sex with teenage girls earning themselves the nickname the blondes who took the Fifth.

Today, Epsteins former PA Miss Kellen and Miss Marchinova his on-off girlfriend have reinvented themselves as Sarah Kensington and Nadia Marcinko.

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Sarah Kensington - formerly Sarah Kellen - and her racing driver boyfriend Brian Vickers (left) and Nadia Marchinova, who is now Nadia Marcinko (right)

Miss Kensington, 34, is an interior designer who boasts of renovating corporate apartments in New York, the Caribbean and Paris and dating a handsome racing car driver.

Miss Marcinko, 29, is a pilot and the chief executive of Aviloop, a company selling discounted flying lessons.

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New lives of the girls in Prince Andrew sex claim row

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