Politics Responsible for Fossil Fuel Disasters

FriendsoftheEarthUS — May 05, 2010 — We have better energy choices. It’s time to stop offshore drilling. An ad released by Friends of the Earth US.

Let’s get real. The people in the United States who do not want us to have a better energy policy, one that emphasizes renewable energy, are the Republicans and the DINOs. We need to get them out of office. They have done more than enough damage to the country and now they are standing in the way of energy and climate change legislation.

The re-focus of our energy on fossil fuels began in earnest with the Bush administration. Vice President Cheney held closed-door energy policy meetings with Big Coal and Big Oil. What went on in those meetings is still not known, but FOIA requests have been filed for years. One day we will find out what sort of deals were made in the last administration. We already know we have to never allow this type of favoritism for fossil fuel energy companies again. We will not have a bi-partisan energy and climate bill this year because of Republicans.

The reality is, Republicans do not want us off fossil fuels. Their policies are the reasons we use so much dinosaur fuel in the 21st century. Their policies are the reasons we have coal mine and oil rig disasters. Their unwillingness to give up the massive donations they get, and money they make personally from fossil fuel companies, are the reasons we still use fossil fuels, long after it has been known that we have clean alternatives. Are you fed up with all of this yet? Call Congress and tell them we are tired of waiting for them to make the laws on energy and climate change that we need. We do not have to tolerate any more oil rig or coal mine disasters and we can’t afford to wait until they have figured out immigration reform, to work on the climate and energy bill we need right NOW.

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