Yoga helps teens with depression, self-worth and faith

Researchers from Harvard Medical School conducted a study on high school students. Some of the students did a 10-week yoga PE class, and some did a regular PE class. The yoga class included meditation along with yoga poses. At the beginning of the study, all the students took a number of psychological tests for things like mood problems, anxiety and anger expression.

The researchers found teens who did not do yoga during their PE classes scored higher for mood problems or anxiety, while those who did do yoga scored lower on these tests, or their scores remained the same. Teens who didn't do yoga reported more negative emotions, while the teens who did do yoga reported fewer negative emotions.

Experience, not a formal study, had already proven to me benefits of yoga for teens. I joyfully agreed when a Utah County private school, Liahona Preparatory Academy asked if I would teach a semester of yoga. Teaching yoga along with 12 spiritual thought patterns, with a God focus, can happen at a private school. The curriculum reinforced principles of faith while also using yoga poses. By combining religious concepts, breathing exercises and yoga poses -- students experienced balanced learning.

The first week of class was magical! The library transformed into one of the most beautiful yoga spaces because of the open hearts of the students. Ninety percent of the students had never done any yoga but they were brave and willing to learn anyways.

Every week of the semester I saw transformations in these amazing teens. They became comfortable with Warrior 1 and started to long for longer savasanas. Ujiah breath, aka Darth Vader breathing, filled the air as we talked about self-worth, prayer and forgiveness. Learning thought patterns that focused on God and guiding students into down dog. When the pressures of life became overwhelming the teens would move and then we prayed. Over time, both students and teacher, were transformed.

The semester final was a celebration. As a teacher I watched as the students moved through their sun salutations with no cueing from me. Students shared vulnerable answers on their written final about how anger and self-hatred has departed since they have started yoga.

One student shared how his anxiety has disappeared because he is trusting God's love more than he is focusing on his mistakes. One student's back pain has now disappeared and he looks forward to yoga class more than any other class at school.

Why teach teens to do yoga?

How do spiritual thought patterns help eliminate adolescent anxiety?

One tender answer came from a brave, beautiful student in my yoga class. This young woman discovered that she now sees her body as a gift. She now recognizes how damaging her critical attitude had become. Spiritual thought patterns helped her see that her body is a stewardship to be cared for. Bodies aren't objects to hurt. Yoga is the new mirror she sees her true self in.

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Yoga helps teens with depression, self-worth and faith

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