ATTENTION LIBERTARIANS USA! Geert Wilders needs our Help!

From Eric Dondero:

We don't do this often. Instead, we urge our readers to support the Republican Liberty Caucus and the RLC PAC for Libertarian Republican candidates. But this is an election overseas, where there is no RLC affiliate. (Maybe there should be one?).

The PVV issued the following appeal on their website:

With four weeks to go before the general elections in the Netherlands, Geert Wilders and the Party for Freedom are now engaged in a life-and-death struggle against the forces of jihad. In the last couple of years Geert Wilders has emerged as the international symbol of the struggle against Islam.

The Party for Freedom (PVV) refuses government subsidy in order to remain independent. All other Dutch parties receive government money. Therefore, the PVV is facing a serious challenge in order to survive this election season. Dutch state television is engaged in a massive campaign to smear the PVV.

The Party for Freedom needs your help urgently. Every donation is welcome.

ING bank account of the Stichting Vrienden van de PVV in The Hague:

IBAN: NL98 INGB 0670 4723 44

Postal address:
Postbus 20018
2500 EA Den Haag

Note, the PVV does not accept Government Subsidies on principle, similar to the Libertarian Party USA. They rely solely on individual and corporate donations.

Please send a contribution, and make sure you tell them that it's coming from Libertarian Republicans USA.

There is also a Paypal application on the English-language website:

To Make Contribution: PVV Website


I am planning to fly to Paris and then travel by Eurail to the Netherlands before the Dutch elections, to assist with Geert's campaign, precinct walking, phone banking, sign waving. My Dutch is mid-level (my German much better), so I should be fine.

I figure the total cost of the trip will be around $1,500, about half of that for the flight. Would you all be willing to assist me in helping to defray the costs?

There are 800 to 1,000 visitors a day here at LR. If just a small portion of you all sent in a $20 to $50 contribution I could certainly make it. If just one of you made a substantial contribution, $250 to $500, I'd be able to do it for sure.

And a Big Thank You to the three individuals - VA, IA and CA - who have already made pledges.

Of course, I'd be blogging on scene from Amsterdam of all my campaigning. And perhaps I could even be there on election night?

Please contact me personally, if you are able to make a contribution; or call 979-583-6875.

Thank you.

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