Freedom Finance General Election 2015 Consumer Manifesto

Manchester, Cheshire (PRWEB UK) 23 December 2014

Freedom Finance the Manchester based loan broker has launched a Consumer Manifesto Survey which will enable customers to have their say on the important financial issues that affect their everyday spending.

Offering solutions in the personal finance market, Freedom Finance intend the monthly Consumer Manifesto to allow their customers to vote on the important financial issues that impact on their lives. With the general election for just a few months away, this months survey will garner opinion on the cost of living debate. From tax, pensions and interest rates to jobs and childcare costs, customers can voice their financial concerns and the results of the Consumer Manifesto will then be made available to the public.

The cost of living continues to be a central issue over the coming months as the parties prepare the political area for the 2015 general election. The coalition government will want to pronounce the benefits of any economic recovery while the cost of living debate will at the heart of Ed Millibands general election manifesto. But what do the public think about the general costs of living and how they affect their own finances? Freedom Finance hopes their Consumer Manifesto will shed some light on how this issue impinges on daily life.

It will take no more than a minute for customers to register their vote and have their say in the cost of living debate ahead of the general election, providing Freedom Finance with a valuable insight about what really matters to their customers.


Freedom Finance General Election 2015 Consumer Manifesto

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