See why Navy paid $3 billion for this


(CNN) -- The Navy's new super stealthy destroyer, the USS Zumwalt, has a lot in common with Hollywood's starship Enterprise, according to folks who've seen it in person.

Much has been written about the Zumwalt's appropriately named commander, Capt. James Kirk. But aside from that coincidence, the ship's operations center utilizes advanced technology that takes multitasking to a deadly new level on the high seas.

First launched last year, this is a massive $3 billion warship -- the largest type of destroyer in the modern Navy by about 65%. One thing that sets it apart is a very small crew.

Compared with about 300 sailors needed for similar warships, the Zumwalt's minimum compliment is only 130.

U.S. Navy's new stealth destroyer

U.S. Navy's new stealth destroyer

U.S. Navy's new stealth destroyer

U.S. Navy's new stealth destroyer

U.S. Navy's new stealth destroyer

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See why Navy paid $3 billion for this

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