Understanding the Protein Corona in Nanomedicine – Medriva

Understanding the Protein Corona in Nanomedicine

As nanomedicine continues to expand its horizons in the field of therapeutic nucleic acid delivery and beyond, understanding the protein corona, a layer of biomolecules that forms on nanoparticles in biological fluids, is of critical importance. This protein layer plays a pivotal role in determining the safety and efficacy of nanomedicine.

A recent multi-center study involving 17 proteomics facilities underscored the significance of this layer, revealing substantial data variability. Remarkably, only 1.8% of proteins were consistently identified across these centers, indicating the need for a harmonized approach to nanoparticle protein corona analysis.

The study further illuminated the importance of standardizing procedures in protein corona analysis. The implementation of an aggregated database search with uniform parameters proved instrumental in harmonizing proteomics data, increasing the reproducibility and the percentage of consistently identified unique proteins across distinct cores.

More specifically, the study found that reduction and alkylation are crucial steps in protein corona sample processing, with the omission of these steps reducing the number of total quantified peptides by around 20%. Thus, uniform data processing pipelines can play a major role in enhancing the reproducibility of protein corona analysis.

Just like plasma proteomics, protein corona analysis faces an array of challenges, including a broad dynamic range and the presence of different protein isoforms. Furthermore, the composition of the protein corona determines how biosystems perceive nanoparticles, a factor that can lead to biased data interpretation if low-abundant genuine targets are not detected. The quality and proteome coverage of protein corona reported by core facilities can be affected by various factors, further underscoring the need for standardization across different proteomics studies.

The study also investigated the influence of database search, data extraction, processing, and analysis on observed data heterogeneity, laying the groundwork for future research to standardize and harmonize results. This is particularly important in the realm of nanomedicine, where protein-based nanoparticles show immense potential for therapeutic nucleic acid delivery, owing to their unique properties such as biodegradability, biocompatibility, and ease of functionalization.

Looking forward, the standardization and harmonization of protein corona data will be instrumental in overcoming barriers to effective protein nanoparticle-mediated nucleic acid delivery. It will also aid in the development of non-viral protein materials for nucleic acid delivery, and in the design of smart drug delivery systems (DDS) that specifically target pathologic tissues while minimizing off-target effects on healthy tissues.

By addressing these challenges and advancing clinical applications of nanoscale biotechnologies, we may be one step closer to realizing the full potential of nanomedicine, from insulin injections and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis to monitoring oxygen levels and overcoming barriers to nanoparticle penetration into tumors.

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Understanding the Protein Corona in Nanomedicine - Medriva

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