The Wisdom of Milton Friedman: Immigration for Jobs, not Welfare

Self-described "libertarian," 2008 Sarah Palin for VP backer, and Reason contributor David Harsanyi, has a syndicated column today from his home-base Denver Post: "ShareThisImmigration is fine; it's the 'illegal' that rankles." Harsanyi presents a solidly tolerant view on immigration, but at the same time stressing law enforcement.

From RCP:

Very few Americans, on the other hand, are inherently opposed to immigration. For the most part, the controversy we face isn't about immigration at all. It's about the systemic failure of federal government to enforce the law or offer rational policy. There's a difference.

In closing, Harsanyi quotes libertarian economist and Libertarian Republican icon Dr. Milton Friedman:

When Nobel Prize-winning libertarian economist Milton Friedman was asked about unlimited immigration in 1999, he stated that "it is one thing to have free immigration to jobs. It is another thing to have free immigration to welfare. And you cannot have both."

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